Streaming Videos via SSH/VPN? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 7, 2010
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hey everyone,

I did some google research on how to easily stream video material via a secure internet connection.
It came up, that its not easy at all.

Maybe there already is some project /plugin going on, to stream video via internet?
I read all about iPimp and thought it should be very close, to what I look for.
Unfortunatly it seems, that iPimp only streams TV recordings?.

Something like a webinterface, with streaming capabilities or a small application like VLC, that would allow me to browse and stream remotely would be very interessting.

I hope, I'm not completly wrong here and someone maybe has the right hint for me?


My latest thoughts are going around 2 ideas.

first is rather simple, i think:
i would need a webinterface, available to my local network, that provides browsing through content.
next thing would be a VPN connection to this network. so i could access this webinterface via the remote browser in the same way.

2nd would be more userfriendly but i have no clue how to get this done.
using DNS adress for the server side (done)
navigate to it, knowing the port for the webinterface
log in with user/password account from the outside and access contents in this way.
no need for a vpn tunnel, but the connection would need to be secure.
so i guess SSH would be the way to go. or maybe https?
although i have no clue, if my router could get compromised easily, if i open the webinterface port to the public.

any thoughts?

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