Streaming vs. recorded (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 18, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark

Maybe it's a dumb question but i'll try anyways: When I watch timeshifted live TV using multiseat setup sometimes I experience some stuttering (via wireless network). But if I watch a recorded show (via the wireless network) using Media Player Classic for instance there are no stuttering at all.

How come there is a difference between watching live and recorded TV via the wireless network - the picture and sound quality is the same? or is it?



Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
When you say:
I watch a recorded show (via the wireless network) using Media Player Classic
Do you mean opening the .mpg file on a network share? If so this is the reason:
When you stream TV it uses rtsp (Real time Streaming Protocol?I Think) Which uses udp rather than TCP used by windows file sharing. UDP just blasts the packets out and if something gets lost on the way well too bad. TCP on the other hand has flow control and error correction, it's connection based, what goes in must come out :)
I don't know if it's possible to run rstp over tcp, but it would be a nice feature to have an option in TV Server for some kind of tcp streaming. It would mean that mediaportal over wireless would actually be possible! :)


Portal Pro
May 18, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Thanks for the explanation Rhys.Goodwin it was exactly what I ment. Yeah it would be nice if the TV server could stream without so many packages being lost. Well the developers are probably aware of this issue :)

Thanks again Rhys.Goodwin!


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