Stupid problem! (Download same covers for diferent movies) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 27, 2007
Home Country
Portugal Portugal
Hi there!

My database is big. More or less 650 movies.

Two of this movies are "The Fog(original)" and "the Fog(Remake)"
The two movies are in different folder with different names .
Folder \movies\The Fog (1980)\the.fog.release.1985 bla bla
Folder \movies\The Fog (2005)\the.fog.release.2005 bla bla

If i update details or something else the covers are the same.
I download the correct covers for each movie and delete the rest of the covers.
When i exit MoviePictues and going back the cover are the same for the two different movies!
This problem only with this movies because i´ve more original and remakes movies and the cover are always correct!

Stupid no? LOL

Some help please?


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
The way things currently work under the hood both movies will more or less share the same set of possible covers (something we have been meaning to get around to fixing for a while). But you should be able to set different covers for each film in the Movie Manager tab of the config program. Above the poster there are arrow buttons to toggle between existing covers and two buttons to load a new cover from the disk or from a URL.


Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Two of this movies are "The Fog(original)" and "the Fog(Remake)"

    If i update details or something else the covers are the same.

    If you use the IMDb+ plugin, then the reason it wasn't fixed indirectly was because "The Fog" did not have an entry in the rename database yet, to uniquely identify the two movies via their renamed titled, but I just now corrected that in rename database v1.2.8. There is a rename suggestion box at the IMDb+ thread if you encounter more of these situations in the future.

    And if you do not use IMDb+, then thanks for the title suggestion because it will help other IMDb+ users with their collection :cool:


    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2007
    Home Country
    Portugal Portugal
    Two of this movies are "The Fog(original)" and "the Fog(Remake)"

    If i update details or something else the covers are the same.

    If you use the IMDb+ plugin, then the reason it wasn't fixed indirectly was because "The Fog" did not have an entry in the rename database yet, to uniquely identify the two movies via their renamed titled, but I just now corrected that in rename database v1.2.8. There is a rename suggestion box at the IMDb+ thread if you encounter more of these situations in the future.

    And if you do not use IMDb+, then thanks for the title suggestion because it will help other IMDb+ users with their collection :cool:

    Yep, i use IMDB+ plugin.
    Are you the developer of plugin? If yes, congrats for de plugin. I love it!
    So, you fixed that problem. The database will update automatically next start of MP? Then i´ve to go to MovPic update details again?
    thanks man


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Yep, i use IMDB+ plugin.
    Are you the developer of plugin? If yes, congrats for de plugin. I love it!
    So, you fixed that problem. The database will update automatically next start of MP? Then i´ve to go to MovPic update details again?
    thanks man

    Yeah the IMDb+ project is my baby, so thank you.

    By default in 24-hour time-span the IMDb+ plugin will check for updates. If you have the MPEI Extensions GUI plugin installed then IMDb+ has a 'Settings' entry in the hidden-menu to allow you to change the time to check to as little as every 3 hours, or force a check upon each start of MediaPortal. Via the hidden-menu "IMDb+ Info" you can verify that your system has v1.2.8 of the rename database.

    Once you confirmed that you have v1.2.8, then you use the MovingPictures config to sent both movies back to the importer (can not do this from GUI yet unfortunatly). Actually you only have to sent the 1980 version back as I only added a "The Fog (Original)" entry for that one. My reasoning for that is that there are a lot of MediaPortal users who weren't even born yet when that version was released so the majority might only have the 2005 version of "The Fog" in their collection and then there is no need to confuse them with "The Fog (Remake)".

    Please ask any other IMDb+ related questions over at the IMDb+ forum:

    This will make it easier for other IMDb+ users as well who might encounter simelair problems.

    Thank you,

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