Suggestion for the filtering system comming in 0.8 (1 Viewer)


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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Ok, this is not something I think should have high priority at all, but would be a nice feature.

    There are some movies that are only watched at a special time for instance christmas movies. These are only watched from the beginning of December and up untill the beginning of January, atleast here in ths house.

    So the rest of the year I don't feel that they should be available in the list. Lets say we tag em with "Christmas" in the MP config, this could be an extra genre and then have a way to hide all movies that has this tag in some menu.

    This could also be used the other way around. Let's say the kids have a HTPC on their own, and you tagg all the movies that they are alowed to way with "kids" and then block everything else, and you might even have a pin-code to bring the other stuff back out.

    Is this something that is included in the 0.8 filtering, or is that just a basic filter where you at the startup of the plugin get all movies, then you bring up the menu and press filter -> action and get only action movies. If so is this something that might come in the future?


    Portal Pro
    August 8, 2007
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    United States of America United States of America
    Got to be honest the same had occurred to me with regard to Christmas movies.


    Portal Member
    November 17, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Something I'd also like. Would be good for TV shows too, although I know this isn't covered by Moving Pictures!


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    Well parental controls will be included in 0.8, so with that you should be able to do what you're asking for I think.


    MP Donator
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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    So you can you block movies based on genre aswell as age with the parental control?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    United States of America United States of America
    You will have the same flexibility with Parental Controls as you do with the filtering engine. So you could block by any data attached to the movie. Rating, location on the disk, genre, keywords in the title (or anything else). You can setup a list of movies that should always be blocked. You can setup a list of movies that should never be blocked. It is extremely flexible.

    EDIT: And just to be clear this is far from a complete list of ways that you can filter / specify blocked movies.

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