Suggestion for transponder "hopping" (1 Viewer)


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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi guys!
    I recently got my Tv server working with my new FloppyDTV. I switched from Sceneos TVC, and I found that there is some major inconvenience with the transponder hopping.
    It's just that you hardly ever know if the channel you 'd like to switch to is on the same frequency.
    Wouldn't it be easy to implement to just show the "available channels" meaning the channels that are available for switching?
    From my point of view this'd only be a filter an the channel list.

    Or did I get something wrong, and this filter is in place (or in dev. queue) somewhere?

    cheers from ahappy new MP user!!



    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    because this is not working...given that:
    -> you only have 1 Tv card
    -> there is 1 recording running, or
    -> one client already connected, and a second one wants to connect.

    If you try to switch to a different freq., you will get the message that no free tv card is available.





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  • January 4, 2007
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    This is correct. I didn't know about your Multiseat configuration since there are no hints in either your signature or system specs. If you want to watch another frequency you need another TV-card.

    Maybe you should post your consideration in "feature requests".



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    because this is not working...given that:
    -> you only have 1 Tv card
    -> there is 1 recording running, or
    -> one client already connected, and a second one wants to connect.

    If you try to switch to a different freq., you will get the message that no free tv card is available.

    wrong :)

    if tv-server is currently recording a show, then all channels which are not on the same transponder/freq. are "greyed out" in the mini-epg (where you select the channels).
    the only which is currently watched is tagged as "buffering" if recorded as "recording".

    this is ONLY the case for TV-Server.

    with the TV-Engine which is included in MediaPortal and below, you will get a "no free card available" dialog.
    the old engine is not able to tune multiple channels on the same transponder.

    are you sure that you useing Tv-Server? ;)


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    which are not on the same transponder/freq. are "greyed out" in the mini-epg (where you select the channels).

    hmm, I did not see that.... but this is going in the direction I think about; why not hide those channels completely. Thats the way they do it at TV Central btw.

    are you sure that you useing Tv-Server?
    :) yep, I am using tv server and, on client side the 0.2.3.Rc with TVserver plug-in....hope this is the right configuration (regarding what you say about the "no free card"-message)



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    which are not on the same transponder/freq. are "greyed out" in the mini-epg (where you select the channels).

    hmm, I did not see that.... but this is going in the direction I think about; why not hide those channels completely. Thats the way they do it at TV Central btw.
    well.... what do you think how many ppl would start a bugreport because their channels are "missing"? ;)

    there is another reason which is releated to an improvement in usability, which i cant tell you at this point. :)

    this is how it looks here:
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