Suggestion: Rating Music In Now Playing And Playlist Screens (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 9, 2007

hopefully this is not just a screwed up configuration on my pc:

it's not possible to rate songs in the Now Playing screen or in Playlist views, which seems quite strange to me. Especially in the Now Playing screen, since you can see the actual rating but can't change it.

Would be great if this could be implemented!


Portal Member
November 9, 2007
That's good to know! thanks.

Still I believe it would enhance the usability of MP a little bit to have additional menu options for this as well. By only having this functionality by pressing buttons, it's a little bit hidden. And since in folder views you have this option available in a context menu it seems logical to me to have the same menu options in Playlist views and the Now Playing screen.


Portal Member
November 9, 2007
I can feel your pain, from time to time I have to design user interfaces myself. Athough normally these are less complex than MP.

And I would strongly agree that it's absolutely important to keep things as simple as possible. But even more confusing than too many options are options that are implemented in different ways in different parts of a software.

just my 1 1/2 cents.

btw.: Mediaportal is a great a piece of software! I changed to MP from MCE and so far don't regret the decision. MCE may have less flaws, but MPs wealth of functionality is worth struggling with a little problem here and there.


Portal Pro
April 21, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Btw hwahrmann: Is it possible to edit what options appears in the "my music" section? I would like to remove a couple of them as the list gets painfully long. Like "Play CD" and a couple of others i dont use. Im guessing the file i have to edit is among the skin files, but i couldnt find it.


Portal Pro
January 21, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Yeah you can edit this - I did coz like you I wasn't interested in some of the options. You need to edit mymusicsongs.xml file. I got rid of Play CD and Eject and I put in My Lyrics and Music Videos instead.

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