Suggestions for output to TV (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 21, 2007
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United States of America United States of America

I've done some searching around but I didn't see any topics similar to this... I apologize if I missed something.

Does anyone have suggestions for the best way to get my PC's signal displayed on a TV? Right now I am using S-Video and I feel like the picture could be a little better. I am currently using a WinTV-Go+, but a WinTV-PVR500 will be in my mailbox tomorrow. Will the better capture card yield better TV quality on screen?

Thanks for the advice



Portal Pro
December 9, 2006
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yes there are other posts on this, very roughly from worst to best (I think this is right):
RCA - S-video - VGA - HDMI. I use VGA because my SAMSUNG TV has a DVI port that is not compatible with PCs (no idea why samsung does this). When i tried RCA I were very surprised how bad it really was, and S-video was no better. so yes, a different connection could make a major difference.

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