Support for foreign films? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 2, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I am a new user of MediaPortal and am very happy with the StreamedMP+MovingPictures combo. It imported most of my movies with fanart etc and looks great. I have a question about foreign films, specifically asian movies.

- is there a way now (or planned) to add extra providers like I saw this in Xbmc along with many others. Are they compatible with MP?

- some movies are still found in Imdb, but then their names are shown as the original language, not English (the 'also known as' entry). So its hard to recognize them. Is there a way I can change the skin settings or xml to show that field for foreign movies?


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
MovingPictures uses its own scraper. Therefor it is very possible for anyone to build a custom script for any movie info provider. Or if they provide an API it would even be better, but that would be up to the developers to include (or you if you are a C# programmer).
You can write your own scraperscript for asiandb at this moment. I believe a guide is in the making.

As for number 2, this is possible, was just looking at the correct entry for your xml file but can't find it in my logfile.
Will try and figure it out later.


Portal Member
January 2, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Thanks. I am a C# programmer and would love to contribute. I will look at the MP source code to try and get some ideas. I think it would be good if the scrapers shared a common backend architecture (maybe they already do) so scrapers written for XBMC (or other types of importers in mediaportal) could easily be reused (just thinking aloud).


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
Fforde has stated somewhere that the XMBC scraper has been looked at, but wasn't sufficient for the needs of MovPic. So they build a better one ;-)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
There is some good discussion about why we went the way we did in this issue thread. The real deal breaker though is the XBMC scraper script engine (and associated scripts) just don't return enough info from the search interface to do auto approval of new matches very well.

MrCrispy, we'd be glad to have the additional help though. Jump on the IRC channel sometime (#moving-pictures @ and we can talk more.

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