So, I should provide a small backstory so you understand why I wanted to do this in the first place. I have several top level shares with all sorts of different video files in "My Videos". One of the folders is regular feature length movies. But with that type of movies I prefer the "Title" view so I get stuff like movie length and IMDB rating. Since I can't find a way to make that folder display as title each time I go into it I have now created a workaround.
Since switching to the "Title" view from anywhere will display everything you have in your movie database and I only have the feature length movies scanned switching to that view from anywhere will display only those movies. So I created a macro in HIP that will toggle the view between the "Title" view and the default "Shares" view.
Simply add these two commands to one of your remote's buttons in HIP:
Primary Command: {HOME}{LEFT}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}{*100}4
Secondary Command: {HOME}{LEFT}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}{*100}1
Depending on the speed of your computer you might have to change the delay. That's the part that looks like this {*100}. If the switch view menu takes longer than 100 milliseconds to show it won't work. The command only works while you are in the list of movies nowhere else.
Maybe this is useful for someone else too. The great thing for me is that it has given me a button on my remote that takes me to my feature length movies. It could probably be done much better with IR Server and the MP plugin since that can sense where you are in MP and act accordingly. Unfortunately the current version if IR Server doesn't work properly here.
Since switching to the "Title" view from anywhere will display everything you have in your movie database and I only have the feature length movies scanned switching to that view from anywhere will display only those movies. So I created a macro in HIP that will toggle the view between the "Title" view and the default "Shares" view.
Simply add these two commands to one of your remote's buttons in HIP:
Primary Command: {HOME}{LEFT}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}{*100}4
Secondary Command: {HOME}{LEFT}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}{*100}1
Depending on the speed of your computer you might have to change the delay. That's the part that looks like this {*100}. If the switch view menu takes longer than 100 milliseconds to show it won't work. The command only works while you are in the list of movies nowhere else.
Maybe this is useful for someone else too. The great thing for me is that it has given me a button on my remote that takes me to my feature length movies. It could probably be done much better with IR Server and the MP plugin since that can sense where you are in MP and act accordingly. Unfortunately the current version if IR Server doesn't work properly here.