Switching radio channels (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 16, 2007
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Hi all.

Not sure if this is the correct forum for this. If it isn't, sorry. I've got MP all set up and running smoothly and am now starting the process of tuning and customizing to suit my needs. I've managed to get most buttons on my theatrix remote to work, but one thing still baffles me. I would expect the channel up and channel down buttons as well as the number buttons to switch radio channels while I am listening to radio in the background, the same way they do for TV channels. This does not work. The only way that I have found to change radio channels is to navigate all the way back to My Radio and selec a new channel from the list.

If I knew of keyboard shortcuts that changed the channel up or down I could map the appropriate keys on my remote there, but I have been unable to find any such shortcuts. If this really is not possible at this stage I suppose this post belongs under Feature requests, but I find it hard to believe that such a polished system would miss such a basic feature.

Thanks again to all the developers who have worked on this awesome project.

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