System.xml gone missing (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 6, 2005
I really don't know what I did. I have been using mp 0.2. rc2 and am impressed how stable it is (was) but this morning when I started my telly I couldn't get any tv channels to work. I found them and I had the tv-guide working but the tv was as black as black can be. I tried to restart MP but it didn't help. I restarted the computer and Now I can't even start MP.

I reinstalled MP 0.2 RC2 and it worked but when I run the setup i crashes.

Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version: 0.2 RC2
Skin: MCE
Windows Version: XP SP2 with all the latest patches
CPU Type: AMD 1700+
Memory: 512 mb (not sure)
Motherboard Chipset: Not sure
Video Card: NVidia GeForce 5200
Video Card Driver: Forceware 77.72
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: InterVideo NonCSS Video Decoder for Hauppauge
Audio Codec Type & Version: DScaler Audio Decoder
TV Card: Hauppage WinTV Nova-T
TV Card Type: DVB-T (?)
TV Card Driver: The latest official
Optional Log:
Optional References:

The error.log when missing system.xml says:
2006-01-05 13:57:52 MediaPortal stopped due 2 an exception Root element is missing. System.Xml at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo(String res)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)
at MediaPortal.Profile.XmlDoc..ctor(String xmlFileName)
at MediaPortal.Profile.Xml..ctor(String fileName, Boolean isCached)
at MediaPortal.Profile.Xml..ctor(String fileName)
at MediaPortal.D3DApp..ctor()
at MediaPortalApp..ctor()
at MediaPortalApp.Main()

The error log after failed setup says:
2006-01-05 14:11:50 TVDatabase exception err:The type initializer for 'SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient' threw an exception. stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient..ctor(String dbName)
at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.Open()
2006-01-05 14:11:51 RadioDatabase exception err:The type initializer for 'SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient' threw an exception. stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient..ctor(String dbName)
at MediaPortal.Radio.Database.RadioDatabase.Open()



Portal Pro
April 6, 2005
Some progress...I did the setup wizard without autotuning since it was at that stage it had crashed. I wanted to get to the "real" setup so I just pressed next without entering anything. I then opened the setup and went through all the things in the tree and now I could autotune. I now have MP up and running but I feel a bit scared that it will crash again :?



Portal Pro
April 6, 2005
The same thing happened once again. It so easy to reinstall MP so it's no big deal (I know it's a release candidate) but still a bit annoying. Doesn't anyone have had this problem or perhaps knows whats going wrong?


P.S. Although I am the only one replying in this thread it isn't a monolgue ;) Everyone's welcome to participate

Paranoid Delusion

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  • Premium Supporter
  • June 13, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi Moltas

    Sounds like a corrupted database, did you delete all the db files out of MP/database folder after uninstalling and have you a backup that you could restore/ overwrite files from before you had problem, just seen your new message now its a 2 person thing.

    Never be lonely use MP



    Portal Pro
    April 6, 2005
    Yeah I guess it has to do with the database but the strange thing is that I didn't do anything special prior to the problems. I watched a TV and tried to change the channel or something and *bang* it was all messed up.

    I wish that i could reproduce the problem but I really have no idea what I did. the way, your sig almost paralyzed me Paranoid Delusion. I got stuck for five minutes and woke up by the phone :)


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