Taming aggressive movie matching (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 26, 2009
I generally don't want to mess around with locating the imdb number and renaming a movie file for each movie I rip, so when I import movies I frequently get bad matches. The problem is, sometimes those matches have names that are nothing similar to the actual movie. When this happens I have no idea what the heck the name of the movie is so I have to scroll through 2000+ movies to hope I find the mysterious new entry that I know I didn't actually add.
I have the movie matching set on the lowest possible setting yet it still matches about 75% of all of my movies. Is there a way to simply turn off the auto matching? I would prefer to just get the page that has options that I can choose from and click to accept them before moving them on.


Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    The movingpictures.log file is your savior there, as it tells you exactly what was done. Switching to debug-verbosity gives even more details, and you can control that setting within MediaPortal configuration.

    Then you can always verify what file was matched/imported as what title and correct afterwards.

    Also verify inside MovingPictures config the following settings to have the least aggressive auto-matching occur.

    "Importer Settings" tab:

    1. slide the "Auto Approval Rate" ruler all the way to the left, if you hover over it; a tooltip will confirm showing "Low".
    2. disable the "Force auto-approval based on info file details." checkbox if you do not trust the IMDb tt-ID info provided via NFO/TXT files

    "About" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Matching and Importing":

    1. Set the "Year Auto-Approve Distance" to '1' and click on "Update"
    2. Verify "Only Auto Approve from Primary Data Source" = 'True'

    To find the movingpictures.log file, use the Start Menu -> "All Programs" -> "Team MediaPortal" -> "MediaPortal" -> "User Files" link and then transverse into the "log" folder where you will find it. Do not be intimidated by the sheer technical info provided, just do a CTRL+F to search for: Added "

    And it will show you the movie added to the MovingPictures database. Above that line is all the other info used to find/add the movie.

    Manually matching movies inside GUI is not yet possible (being worked on), so you have to use the MovingPictures configuration for that as well.


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Sorry for the trouble, what you are describing is definitely an issue. In our next release you can filter movies in the config by the date they were added, this is already implemented. So I guess I am saying bear with us for a week or so and the new 1.4 will solve your problems..


    Portal Member
    March 26, 2009
    Wow. Thank you for the VERY thorough and fast responses! Between the two I'm sure all will be well. Thanks again!

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