Thanks sofar, maybe back later? (1 Viewer)

La Laja

New Member
March 10, 2006
Canary Islands
I have been using (testing) MP for a couple of weeks to see if it suits my needs. First of all I like to express my admiration for what is achieved, both in functionality and in appearance (GUI) it is excellent and the best I have seen sofar!! I don't know how an open source project is managed, planned and specified but at least the results are very impressive.
However, for me it is not yet a suitable package for day to day use. The reason is that it lacks adequate support for TV screen connection/second monitor display. I feel that MP is specified best for use on dedicated PC's like mediacenter PC's. One for each display/screen one wishes to use. Although that might be acceptable for quit a lot of users, I feel that for a lot of others it is not. PC's and also Mediacenters are noisy, expensive and bulky and difficult to use.
Of course it is possible to have MP displayed on a second monitor, but only if it is specified as a clone of the PC monitor. That limits the PC to be used for MP only if you want to watch MP on it.
Another option is the use of a media extender. But also there MP lacks any support and as far as I can read from in the forum there isn't anything planned. Maybe someone can pick this up, and have a look at SageTV and GBPVR, both supporting MediaMVP as a thin (lan) client, porting there GUI to a TV screen.
(although MediaMVP has some limitatations, it is cheap <less then 100 Euro/$>, small, wireless, noiseless and act as remote control interface). Or at any other mediaextender (linksys, XBOX) support .
Either way, I have to wait for secondary monitor or media extender support.
I really hope I don't have to wait for long.
Back to Mytheatre for now....thanks


Portal Member
July 17, 2006
Home Country
Italy Italy
As you can see in the news, version will give full support for distributed architecture. Then you will be able to use Clients to connect to Mediaportal Server. Now it's in alpha stage and nobody can tell when it will be stable. Just have a look to the site from tim to time to see how the development progresses. :)


Portal Member
November 5, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
Where do I find more information about this new distributed architecture? I am definitely interested in seeing if the MediaMVP can support MP as a thin client via the mvpmc project but being new to MP and I have spent some time navigating the forums and web site and I can't find anything about that would help me determine if this even would be possible.


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