That's enough. (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 1, 2009
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Poland Poland
Well, when i discovered Media Portal about a year ago, I was really amazed. Everything in one place! You can do what you want with your computer using a remote! After a few adventures with this I gotta say I have never been as wrong as then. When I want to watch TV, I have to turn on MP, because only that version works normally with my card. Of course on the site it stands that my card is compatible with MP 1.0 (Leadtek 2000 XP Expert). When I want to watch a film, I have to use the MP 1.0 to be able to switch audio or show/hide subtitles. A month ago I finally got WebEPG to work, 'cause that grabber for Poland provided by the team is really a piece of crap - it shows all channels as one. Today I tried to add some more to my EPG and the designer doesn't show some of grabbers like the content of them was spoilt, although I didn't make any changes inside and also i checked if there's everything allright and it was so it looks just like "program's bad will". The another idiotic thing is the opportunity to set up TV webstreams in the TV Server configuration which don't work and you get to know about it not from the documentation, but from the forum! What is it in the configuration for?

I read hundreds of threads on the forum and the whole documentation. I spent lots of hours trying to get everything to work. I've had enough. Don't just tell me that it's free and I shouldn't speak like that, 'cause I'd prefer to pay for the ready product insteadt of getting nervous every day. And you, Donors, you should really verify what you spend your money for. Bye!


New Member
February 1, 2009
You do know that donors aren't supporting this project because it is perfect but because they want to see its continued development in the right direction?


Retired Team Member
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  • November 8, 2008
    I guess the thing about MP is that its an open source project, which (as you would know) means that its developed by volunteers in their spare time. No one's charging anything for it, and, for most users, it does what it claims to be able to do.

    You dont refer to any forum posts you made seeking support, so I assume you didnt make any?

    I would have thought the obvious thing after spending "a year" trying unsuccessfully to get a tuner card to work, would be to make some forum posts, and if all else failed, to look at using a different tuner card. There are plenty of tuners that work well with MP and there is support here on the forum about what the best hardware to use with it is.

    Personally I wouldnt spend that amount of time on any one piece of software if it wasnt working, so I admire your determination. I do wonder what you were doing with your time to have your attempts so spectacularly unsuccessful though.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to go with. Sorry MP didnt work for you.


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    ah look another one of these posts! I wonder what they think it will accomplish? do they think it will somehow make the MP devs work even harder than they already do? do they think it will prompt someone to give them a magic answer to all their problems?

    Maybe we should have a "whiners" section to the forum! ;)



    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2009
    Earth, for now
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    @op - I totally understand your frustration and can sympathise on how you must feel.

    I am relatively new to MP and have been almost overwhelmed at the complexity of setting it up and configuring it to watch TV or a movie. I really hope that it finally gives me what I want to achieve and if it does then it would be good to donate and be actively involved in helping to make those monumental hurdles a little less daunting.

    I do hope in that the roadmap for development allows the consolidation of features and unifying the interface in a more simplistic and easier to use way.

    EDIT: Having downloaded a copy of Windows 7 and got myself a beta key I'm tempted to fit a drive and test the media centre as it looks quite good...
    a nice vid...
    a nice vid showing turbo scroll..


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 18, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    i totally agree with you user "disappointed".

    so now get your money and buy any commercial mediacenter software out there. and enjoy having all the mediaportal features, video, music, plugins, tvserver, skins, etc....and all BUG FREE, fully operational and easy installation.

    good luck.


    p.s. btw, please come back to enlight use with the name of that mediacenter when u find it...:p


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    i totally agree with you user "disappointed".

    so now get your money and buy any commercial mediacenter software out there. and enjoy having all the mediaportal features, video, music, plugins, tvserver, skins, etc....and all BUG FREE, fully operational and easy installation.

    good luck.


    p.s. btw, please come back to enlight use with the name of that mediacenter when u find it...:p


    MP Donator
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  • March 7, 2007
    righthandside 3/4 way up
    is it me or has anyone else noticed that lately there has been a lot of posts like this
    you look at the dates they joined and its like last week, the only posts they do are the ones they rant in
    they never post logs.
    i'm beginning to think its a a few people just out to bag MP.
    For the vast majority of us MP works, My wife loves it, my 2 kids with it in there rooms love it (6 and 9yrs old)
    most of the problems these people have normally is that they run other crap on there machines and then blame MP for not running

    just my thoughts


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    is it me or has anyone else noticed that lately there has been a lot of posts like this
    you look at the dates they joined and its like last week, the only posts they do are the ones they rant in
    they never post logs.
    i'm beginning to think its a a few people just out to bag MP.
    For the vast majority of us MP works, My wife loves it, my 2 kids with it in there rooms love it (6 and 9yrs old)
    most of the problems these people have normally is that they run other crap on there machines and then blame MP for not running
    Users which have MP working, usually do not post and tell us that everything is working fine.
    It is always those which have troubles and "fail" to get things working which then tend to "explode" in the forums because they need a valve.

    MediaPortal requires quite a bit of configuration to get it to do what it is supposed to do.
    After 3+ years of using and working on MP i can tell that there are a few misstakes new users make:
    • right after installation, many community plugins and skins get installed
    • windows is messed up with codec packs and other stuff
    • drivers are not up to date
    • system does not meet the requirements

    If you install MP on a PC where all software/drivers are up to date and only required codecs are installed.
    Then there should be no issues at all.
    But if you try to run (install plugins/skins) before you get MP to walk, then you will encounter problems.

    I do not say that commuity plugins and skins are totally bugged. But a clean installation should always be done without them first. Only that way you can be sure about "what" is failing. :)

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