The Official PiPO X7 Thread (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 20, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway

Have been testing the Pipo x8 as the main client in my living room for about a week now, and like to share some preliminary experience.
In general it runs pretty good. (I didn't tell my wife that I had disconnected the other PC, and she didn't notice anything until I told her:) Good WAF)
It runs a little hot(Up to ~82 in core temp when running HD channels for a while) but haven't noticed any throttle down on the CPU.
- Will prob. have to do some heatsink mod on it, sooner or later.
I use mediaportal mainly for TV and PVR, and it has been running fine so far. (No complaint's from the rest of the family)
Had an issue in the beginning, with long time channel change but disabled IPv6 on both the Pipo and Server, and channel change is down to a sec. or two, which is perfectly fine for my part.
Have seen some posts about running an external USB network dongle should improve a few things, and i tried that, but went back to the internal controller, since I didn't see any difference. (As soon as I disabled the IPv6 everything is smooth on my box)
Had no issues installing .net 3.5 as mentioned above either.

Having an extra screen is nice, but not really a must for my part. But it's quite fancy to run Mediaportal on the 60" screen and the Windows tablet interface on the internal screen. (Ex. check mail and weather etc. on the internal scheen while my wife is watching her series on MP;-))
I've put it on the wall, with the cables and the thick side down, so it's quite comfortable to use standing up, for a quick mail check for example. (No problem rotating just the internal screen in the intel control panel)
I've also installed the MPDisplay++ and it works fine on the internal screen, but not really for me. (A bit slow to start up, and I really prefere to use an remote to control MP)

My biggest consern atm, is the core temperature running a bit high after a while, but I guess that can be fixed quite easily. (Plenty of creative guides on how to mod the Pipo's out on the net)
I haven't tucked away the "old" PC yet, since I'm also a bit conserned about the long term build quality of a PC for as low as $100, but for now, I'm really quite Impressed. (It's price is lower than just a general Win8 OEM lisense:))


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Thanks for the report, i just ordered mine!
What about standby? Does it work?
But i will test it soon with mine....


Portal Pro
January 20, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Thanks for the report, i just ordered mine!
What about standby? Does it work?
But i will test it soon with mine....

Not sure what you mean with standby, but haven't experienced any issues putting it too sleep and waking up again.
We usually exit MP before we put the pc in standby.

But have seen that if i start MP straight after wakeup, it can "hang" and need to close MP using taskmanager.


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  • July 8, 2006
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    My X8 is arrived.
    What I have mentioned right now:
    It carries the Mediaportal 1.0 GUI without any performance problems.

    But: I have seen mentioned that it is dropping frames when it becomes hot. (mentioned with 720P material, haven't test other sources)
    I need to investigate this. Perhaps additional cooling is a solution.

    What about standby? Does it work?
    Standby at the X8 is not the same as you know it from a "normal PC".
    It uses the so called "connected standby". S3 and S4 are not supported, even if you disable the connected standby. (I have tried this myself)
    You can check this with the "powercfg -a" command at the windows command prompt.
    This brings some disadvantages to for at least MePo 1 users:
    • From the MePo GUI you can trigger the PC to go to S3 or S4. This leads to a crash at my X8. To bring it back again I have to disconnect it from the power.
    • When PowerScheduler sends the PC to sleep it will be the same (haven't test)
    • If you have mappings at your remote that will suspend or hibernate your X8 you can't use the anymore
    For some of these there will be workarounds. But this shows that the new powermanagement features of Windows are a missing feature in MePo 1. I'm not sure about MePo 2.

    What else:
    There are options for WOL in the NICs driver but I can't get them working.

    Please ask, if you have further questions.


    Portal Pro
    November 1, 2006
    Thanks for the replays,

    @ megahorst:

    What solution do you use in the moment? (switching it of by hand?)

    @ both :

    And how fast will it boot into mp from switching it on? Do you use multi boot?/Android?

    Is 32 gb enough with mp installed (i ordered 64gb)?

    I will wait now for my device, before asking more questions.

    Of course i am interested in your experiences with x8, so do not stop posting infos.


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2007
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Upgraded my x8 with Win 10 today, and it worked like a charm. (Used Rufus to write the Win 10, 32 bit iso to a USB stick and ran the upgrade from there)
    All the drivers was present when done, and have not seen any showstoppers so far. (MP1 is perfomring similar as in Win 8.1)

    Have mounted a fan at the bottom plate (Fractal Silent series R2) which brought down the max core temp from ~82C to ~60C. The fractal fan is actually quiet enough to be running all the time.

    Lets see what the next few days with Win 10 will bring;-)
    Still quite impressed what the $100 box can do!


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    Jamie Darbon

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    July 29, 2016
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    Hi folks, I'm new to all this so forgive me if I post on the wrong thing etc.
    I have been given an x7s which was working fine a few weeks ago and all of a sudden the power dropped (as if I switched it off at the mains)
    This now happens regularly. I'm unsure if it's the power supply (it is a cheap third party) but I also noticed that the clock was not functioning correctly. (the clock in the bottom right of windows)
    Can anyone help?


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello and welcome Jamie

    It does sound like some kind of hardware problem. I would guess possibly the power supply is on its way out, or perhaps the CPU, motherboard, and/or some other component are overheating...

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