CPU: AMD 4000+
Arbeitsspeicher: 2096 MB
Motherboard Chipsatz: nvidia3
Grafikkarte: nividia Geforce 6200
Video Codec: MPV
Audio Codec Typ: MPA
TV Karte 1: Hauppauge Nova-T USB
TV Karte 1 Treiber: 3.6.25094.0 (2007-04-04)
TV Karte 2: Technisat Airstar 2
TV Karte 2 Treiber: (2007-03-22)
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal SVN Version: 2007-10-04 Rev 16108
TV-Server: 2007-10-04 Rev 16108
Windows Version (Service Pack): Win XP Home SP2
Installierte SystemTools (Optimierungs Tools,ect.): none
Änderungen an Windows/Bios?: none
I've got an issue with TV3 and Timeshift. I installed MP ( RC2) + SQL-Server + TV-Server (2007-10-04) + SVN (2007-10-04) from scratch (single seated config). All things seemed to be ok, server was running, database connected, both tv-cards recognized (airstar 2 and nova-t stick), channels found and than I tried to run the tv-client. epg-data was scanned, sound was ok but I got no picture. After a short amount of time, MP crashed.
After enabling and disabling the tv-cards in different orders (I got the very same results), I decided to uninstall MP and set up a TV2-Installation. I got the same issue, except in the case of running timeshift. With timeshift I got a picture, sound, epg and teletext. Turning of timeshift runs into the problems I've had with TV3.
Did I miss to install a piece of software? All things mentioned in the wiki are installed. The drivers are the latest. Did I miss to check a button?
The logs are attached
Arbeitsspeicher: 2096 MB
Motherboard Chipsatz: nvidia3
Grafikkarte: nividia Geforce 6200
Video Codec: MPV
Audio Codec Typ: MPA
TV Karte 1: Hauppauge Nova-T USB
TV Karte 1 Treiber: 3.6.25094.0 (2007-04-04)
TV Karte 2: Technisat Airstar 2
TV Karte 2 Treiber: (2007-03-22)
MediaPortal Version:
MediaPortal SVN Version: 2007-10-04 Rev 16108
TV-Server: 2007-10-04 Rev 16108
Windows Version (Service Pack): Win XP Home SP2
Installierte SystemTools (Optimierungs Tools,ect.): none
Änderungen an Windows/Bios?: none
I've got an issue with TV3 and Timeshift. I installed MP ( RC2) + SQL-Server + TV-Server (2007-10-04) + SVN (2007-10-04) from scratch (single seated config). All things seemed to be ok, server was running, database connected, both tv-cards recognized (airstar 2 and nova-t stick), channels found and than I tried to run the tv-client. epg-data was scanned, sound was ok but I got no picture. After a short amount of time, MP crashed.
After enabling and disabling the tv-cards in different orders (I got the very same results), I decided to uninstall MP and set up a TV2-Installation. I got the same issue, except in the case of running timeshift. With timeshift I got a picture, sound, epg and teletext. Turning of timeshift runs into the problems I've had with TV3.
Did I miss to install a piece of software? All things mentioned in the wiki are installed. The drivers are the latest. Did I miss to check a button?
The logs are attached