TV Guide only shows first 188 channel icons (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
April 19, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
TV-Server Version: Latest SVN
MediaPortal Version: Latest SVN
MediaPortal Skin: Project Mayhem III, Blue Two Wide, Spinsafe Revolve
Windows Version: Windows Vista, Windows XP Pro
CPU Type: Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, AMD X2 3800+
HDD: WD2500KS, WD2500KS
Memory: 2GB DDR2-667, 1GB DDR-400
Motherboard: Asus P1-P5945G , Asus P1-AH1
Motherboard Chipset: Intel 945G, nVidia Crush
Motherboard Bios: 0404, not sure
Video Card: Intel 950 Onboard, Nvidia 6150 Onboard
Video Card Driver: Latest, Latest
Sound Card: Onboard, Onboard
MPEG2 Video Codec: Nvidia, Nvidia
MPEG2 Audio Codec: Nvidia, Nvidia
Satelite/CableTV Provider: Dish
TV: Dell 19" LCD, Samsung HP-T5064
TV - HTPC Connection: VGA, HDMI

I have reproduced this problem on two different computers... When looking at the TV Guide... only the first 188 Channel Icons are displayed. If I change channel groups, only the first 188 Channels have icons... if the channel group has less than 188 channels, then it isn't a problem... all of them will show... it is only when there are more than 188 channels that this issue pops up.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? I have attached a screenshot.


Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005
    I have seen this issue... becuase I also have it. The icon's get to a certain point an then just stop. If you go into the mini guide, they are all there. I would count how many icons I have.. but I can't get to that PC right now. I will comment later.


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  • April 7, 2005
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    Yeah - would be interesting to have loooooogs. Maybe there's a .NET resource limit reached..


    Portal Member
    April 19, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Yeah - would be interesting to have loooooogs. Maybe there's a .NET resource limit reached..

    I set the Logs to Debug and opened MediaPortal. I went into the channel guide and scrolled down until I hit the area where the icons disappear. I closed MediaPortal and copied the Log files.

    Let me know if you would like any more information. Thanks!


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005


    • icons.png
      23.7 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 14, 2005
    Just wanted to do a follow up with this one. Found a couple of things out. First, it seems that others are saying that if you use .png images instead of .jpg images, you do not have this issue. However, 99% of the images you get off the net are .jpg... so this can be kind of a pain. I told one of the Dev's about this issue and he created me a new fontEngine.dll with the buffer turned up a bit. I tested this out and it now works. He is going to get with one of the other dev's and make sure this is ok. Once that is done, it should be added to the latest svn file.

    You can download the Fontengine.dll. I assume it's build off of the latest build, but this file has not been updated in awhile.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Just wanted to do a follow up with this one. Found a couple of things out. First, it seems that others are saying that if you use .png images instead of .jpg images, you do not have this issue. However, 99% of the images you get off the net are .jpg... so this can be kind of a pain.

    Ahhh - this is why I couldn't reproduce it since all good icons you get "over here" are png...


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Just wanted to do a follow up with this one. Found a couple of things out. First, it seems that others are saying that if you use .png images instead of .jpg images, you do not have this issue. However, 99% of the images you get off the net are .jpg... so this can be kind of a pain.

    Ahhh - this is why I couldn't reproduce it since all good icons you get "over here" are png...

    JPG and PNG should be both count as one texture by the GUI engine, so the picture format shouldn't have anything to do with this bug :D Dunno why you didn't hit the hard coded texture limit (maybe less small EPG programs?).

    Now, I'm not sure if the increased hard coded limits is going to cause some new bugs (I simply have no knowledge on the DX side).

    Bavarian / Eabin / Albert / rtv, question to all of you. Does anyone know if the fontEngine changes will cause some side effects?

    for testing FontEngine.cpp #defines were multiplied with ten.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Bavarian / Eabin / Albert / rtv, question to all of you. Does anyone know if the fontEngine changes will cause some side effects?

    Somewhere in the past the requirements for texture memory had increased therefore exluding onboard GPUs with only 64MB of RAM (causing high CPU load on screens like "MyTV").

    Imho you should try to contact Mr_Hipp via PM. He has been familar with the code as well.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Well, those hard limits for the textures and other DX stuff isn't going to limit the memory usage. One texture could take as less as 1kb or as high 1MB. In that case the limit of the textures is not helping to keep the memory usage down.

    I'll send a PM to Hipp.

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