TV Module / faster changing of channels (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 22, 2004
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It seems that while watching TV in timeshifting mode and you want to change a TV channel , you have to wait for the timeshifted time to get the channels change e.g.
You started wathing channel 1 at 8:00 , then pause for 10 seconds and then watch again, and you want to watch channel 2 you have to wait 10 second or FF to reach the end.
It will be much better when you change the TV channel to actually watch that channel at the same moment. Beyond TV can change channels in less than one second. It simply clears the timeshifting buffer and changes the channel very quick.
Between quicker changing of tv channels and timeshifting of multiple channels my vote goes for faster changing.


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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    Germany Germany
    Welcome milan,

    jep, channel switching in timeshift mode is not fast enough at the moment. I posted a similar problem here:
    I think it is some sort of a little bug. MP should just skip your paused time, when you change the channel. (Some sort of automatic fastforward) I think this could solve the problem.


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