TV Server 0.3 or Built in 0.2? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 7, 2007
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England England
Is it worth moving to the TV Server 0.3 from the built in 0.2 engine? I only have the 1 PC using the TV tuner, and can't see me setting up other PCs to use it.
Are there any other benefits I would see from switching over to it?
Are there any performance issues by having to install the SQL database engine (More memory use) that would impact my machine (It's only an AthlonXP 2000 with 1GB but it runs MP fine currently).


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  • December 15, 2006
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    I've got an AthlonXP 2000 with 0.5GB and it runs MP with TV Server 0.3 just fine.
    I'm sure others will tell you about all the added benefits of TV Server 0.3 but if you're running single seat and the 0.2 engine is running fine for you, then i guess the only reason to switch would be that you don't have to have MP running for your recordings to take place, which is nice if you have a desktop machine, but if it's a dedicated HTPC that's not a huge benefit.

    However saying all that, TV3 rocks for streaming TV around, I sat out in the garden soaking up the sunshine the other week with the laptop watching the cricket which was streaming from the Sky box :D


    Portal Pro
    February 18, 2006
    Salt Lake City, UT
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    The benefit of not having to have MP running is great - I use my PVR machine for more than just as a tivo now. I can turn MP off and crank up some Frets on Fire or some Ultrastar for some living room entertainment!

    Both TVE3 and TVE2 have their quirks. A big benefit to me was the ability to record in mpg format so I could transcode to xvid easily, but this is a non-issue now that the transcoder plugin exists.


    Portal Pro
    November 20, 2006
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    A big benifit for is being able to record multiple channels on the same card if you are using DVB of any kind. Very cool.

    TV3 is still beta and still buggier than TV2. but remember it is the next version so it will be the default, eventually ( I think so anyway). That means that once it is released out of beta it will just come with mediaportal and mediaportal eventually won't have TV built in. Somone correct me if I'm wrong.

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