Tv-Server and Copyright (1 Viewer)


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  • April 6, 2006
    Verona (Italy)
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Yesterday I installed the TV Server. Apparently flawlessy.

    Today I'm wondering about how to use it at its best. And a question came: how about copyrights on tv broadcasting?
    The tv server re-broadcast transmissions, in a certain way. In Italy it's forbidden, since broadcast rights are owned by the national broadcaster.


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Not sure if this applies to all Country's, but think within your own house and for personal use, this is accepted by broadcasters.

    This goes back to the introduction of being able to record TV using video recorders (all Technically by law illegal in itself), but thankfully has been widely accepted that for personal use it's fine, but passing any recordings on, can be then accused of distribution and you then may have the full force of any copyright law applied to you.


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