TV-Server and Media Center (1 Viewer)


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March 7, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
I have been unable to find the answer to this elsewhere, apologies if I just didn't look hard enough.

Are there any issues with installing TV-Server on a PC already using existing tuner cards for Windows Media Center? I have two Nova-T 500s I would like to carry on using under Media Center but would like to try out TV-Server with a 3rd card to see how it goes on the same machine.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


New Member
February 13, 2007
I use TV server to port the streams to client computers on a MCE whose primary purpose is to extend the MCE interface to TV's.

So, I have no problems. Mediaportal can read DVR-MS so that helps but what I haven't been able to do or test, is if MCE can read mediaportal recorded content. I had problems reading Mediaportal created DVR-MS but I see no reason why it shouldn't be able to play back TVserver .ts (with a little tweaking) or .mpeg.


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  • December 15, 2006
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    If you're installing a 3rd tv card which is dedicated to TVServer then you should be ok.

    The TVServer won't be able to use the cards that are being used by MCE because MCE locks access to them (even if you shut down the MCE interface, the MCE background services are still using the tv cards and you'd have to manually shut down the services should you wish to use the TVServer with those cards).



    Portal Member
    July 1, 2005
    Is this really the case though?

    Doesn't MediaPortal shutdown the MCE scheduler service? Will that prevent programs you have scheduled to record in MCE actually recording if MePo is running?

    I'm going through the same process myself, I recently bought a nova-t 500 to replace my standard nova-t. Unfortunately since changing I've had a lot of mediaportal crashes - media portal just locks up while watching tv. Also video skips and repeats parts, which never happened before.

    The only thing I changed was the card, no software. So it seems to be related to the nova-t 500 (which uses the same driver install as the regular nova-t, but there you go). Complete reinstall of MePo and drivers too.

    Anyway, at the moment I'm planning on having MCE use the dual tuner and use media portal to a TV server on another machine using the old nova-t.

    I'd much rather run mediaportal, as one night of running MCE and I miss all the great features :(.

    Can you let me know if it works out OK for you?



    Portal Member
    July 1, 2005
    Well I tested it.

    MediaPortal does indeed stop the MCE scheduler service, so if you are running MePo then anything you have scheduled to record won't record.

    I'm using only using a MePo client on the MCE box, not a TV server.

    The TV Service should be the portion responsible for shutting down the MCE scheduler service, not the MediaPortal client.

    Maybe I should post this in the enhancements section?

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