TV-Server connection lost while in MediaPortal (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 17, 2009
MediaPortal Version: 1.3.0

When browsing through menu or EPG-view in MP connection to TV-Server gets lost.
Did not happen with MP 1.2.0. Difference to MP 1.2.0 installation: Streamed MP skin & new TV channel list.
Please tell me if you need more info or specific testing.

Steps to Reproduce:
Unfortunately not 100% reproducible.
How error appeared:
- System was sent to standby by user. (evening)
- System was resumed by user (next day afternoon)
- Entering secion "TV"
- Connection to TV-Server is lost (info box)
- info box appearing several times
- close Mediaportal
- start Mediaportal
- enter TV section
- select channel (in this case channel "SIXX")
- TV works
- Stop TV
- browse through EPG
- after some browsing down, Connection to TV-Server lost

log files attached after this procedure.


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Your log is full or errors:
    2013-04-02 18:19:26.734375 [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread(60)]: TvServer: Failed to execute remote TV server operation (IsAnyCardRecording) Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte
    Is this the correct IP address of your Server? According to your System Specs, you're using Window XP + single seat.
    What happens when you set Tv hostname to 'localhost'?

    What you could also try is set the Recovery options on the TvService:
    1. Open Services on the PC you’ve got the TV Server installed (click Start, type services.msc and hit Enter)
    2. Right click on TVService and select Properties
    3. Click Recovery tab
    4. Setup how the service should respond on the First, Second and Subsequent failures.

    Since the team doesn't have access anymore to Windows XP, support on this OS will eventually stop (and some feature are only working on Win 7+ already), so best to upgrade your OS.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    By logs it seems that TV service stucked (not crashed) just after starting grabbing EPG data. Try to disable grabbing EPG data.


    Portal Pro
    January 17, 2009
    Thanks for the quick responses.

    @HomeY: Yes I'm using single seat. The IP is the fixed IP-address I have set.
    Where do I set the TV hostname to "localhost"?
    I have set now the recovery for the TVService.
    I already had Win7 64bit on my system but I couldn't get it stable regarding standby & resume and some other issues (even though resumes were much faster), so I had to go back to WinXP.

    @georgius: I turned off "Always try to update existing entries" now to reduce grabber activities. Could it be that when the server has no internet connection EPG grabber causes TV service to stuck and won't let start TV?

    As I have some new channels in my TV channel list since my upgrade to MP 1.3.0 and enabled also EPG for them, dependencies might be possible.
    I will keep on testing with these first changes and will turn off EPG for the new channels (as a next step) if it happens again.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    Your last stuck was on DVB-S channel TELE 5 (by logs). Previous was on ORFIII. You can try to disable specific channels, but there still can be more problematic channels. Maybe you should try to disable EPG data for all channels - this can give you immediate results.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    @HomeY: Yes I'm using single seat. The IP is the fixed IP-address I have set.
    Where do I set the TV hostname to "localhost"?
    I have set now the recovery for the TVService.
    I already had Win7 64bit on my system but I couldn't get it stable regarding standby & resume and some other issues (even though resumes were much faster), so I had to go back to WinXP.
    MediaPortal Config -> TV -> TV Client

    I've had MP run on Win 7 stable for years, so that's possible ;)
    I'd still suggest to upgrade to Win 7 and get it running stable, since a couple of implemented features are already not working on XP, like the Native Blu-ray Support.

    But as @georgius suggested, try disabling EPG grabbing completely first, to see if that fixes your problem.
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    January 17, 2009
    I turned off now EPG grabbing completely as I got again problems with TVService: It should have started to record at 20:12 but didn't, so I stopped the TVService after closing MP and rebooted MP again. (attached the loggings).
    I was guessing that channels like Cubavision, sixx ..., or NICK/CC ..., would have caused the problems as they didn't have EPG data visible in MP. With e.g. ORFIII I have EPG data. But ORFIII is/was in my grabbing list just before sixx... . (I don't know if the order of the channels is always the same when grabbing EPG).
    Furthermore, I didn't have them (Cubavision, sixx, ...) for EPG grabbing with MP 1.2.0 (where I didn't have problems with TVService).

    However, I will check if I get again problems with TVService while EPG grabbing is turned off.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    I turned off now EPG grabbing completely as I got again problems with TVService: It should have started to record at 20:12 but didn't, so I stopped the TVService after closing MP and rebooted MP again. (attached the loggings).
    This problem has nothing with previous problem. It's new and this cause crash of TvService - created new thread for that problem.


    Portal Pro
    January 17, 2009
    I turned off now EPG grabbing completely as I got again problems with TVService: It should have started to record at 20:12 but didn't, so I stopped the TVService after closing MP and rebooted MP again. (attached the loggings).
    This problem has nothing with previous problem. It's new and this cause crash of TvService - created new thread for that problem.

    Thanks for your quick response.
    I did some more testing. What I did:
    - I went back to a stable installation of MP 1.2.0.
    - deleted TV channels
    - imported the new channel list (20130405_TV_export.xml)
    - turned of EPG grapping for some single channels (CubaVision, ...), but kept it on for other channels
    - installed StreamedMP (don't think this has something to do with the issue)
    - programmed today some movies on TV (first one at 10:35 a.m.)
    - tried to open TV section to start recorded movie (at around 1:30 p.m.)
    - "connection lost to TV server" & no recorded movies

    I'm not sure if it has something to do with the issue mentioned in this thread or in this new thread (created by georgius).
    It seems to me that the new channels (some of them I created manually) are responsible for this problems.
    However, I have attached the new log (of MP 1.2.0) and the new (20130405_TV_export.xml) and the old channel list (b_tv_channel_export_20130331.xml).
    I will go back to the old TV channel list to see if everything works fine then.


    • 20130405_TV_export.xml
      297.5 KB
    • b_tv_channel_export_20130331.xml
      119.2 KB


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • October 31, 2010
    Home Country
    Slovakia Slovakia
    I turned off now EPG grabbing completely as I got again problems with TVService: It should have started to record at 20:12 but didn't, so I stopped the TVService after closing MP and rebooted MP again. (attached the loggings).
    This problem has nothing with previous problem. It's new and this cause crash of TvService - created new thread for that problem.

    Thanks for your quick response.
    I did some more testing. What I did:
    - I went back to a stable installation of MP 1.2.0.
    - deleted TV channels
    - imported the new channel list (20130405_TV_export.xml)
    - turned of EPG grapping for some single channels (CubaVision, ...), but kept it on for other channels
    - installed StreamedMP (don't think this has something to do with the issue)
    - programmed today some movies on TV (first one at 10:35 a.m.)
    - tried to open TV section to start recorded movie (at around 1:30 p.m.)
    - "connection lost to TV server" & no recorded movies

    I'm not sure if it has something to do with the issue mentioned in this thread or in this new thread (created by georgius).
    It seems to me that the new channels (some of them I created manually) are responsible for this problems.
    However, I have attached the new log (of MP 1.2.0) and the new (20130405_TV_export.xml) and the old channel list (b_tv_channel_export_20130331.xml).
    I will go back to the old TV channel list to see if everything works fine then.
    In this case it was another problem:
    2013-04-07 10:04:24.093750 [(9)]: Tvservice stopped due to an unhandled app domain exception System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
      bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.TimeoutExpired(Object commandObject)
      bei System.Threading._TimerCallback.TimerCallback_Context(Object state)
      bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
      bei System.Threading._TimerCallback.PerformTimerCallback(Object state)
    Some DB command failed in time when your MP was resuming from hibernation. I assume that this is problem of 3rd party component accessing to MySQL database. I never have this problem with my MS SQL server. So, if it is possible, migrate to MS SQL server.

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