TV Tuner Card (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 11, 2007
I purchased a used TV Tuner Card from a friend. I had to download the drivers from the internet. The card is an ATI TV Wonder. After I installed the drivers and the software from the ATI site, I could watch tv just fine. When I go into the MP TV setup, it tells me that there is no capture card found. Is there something I'm missing? Is it just that MP doesn't support the ATI TV Wonder? I realize it's propably an older card.



New Member
March 24, 2007
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Netherlands Netherlands
You're not the only one! I have a ATI All in one Wonder 9600 TX. Perfect reception with ATI Multimediacenter, but nothing with MP. The problem is not your ATI, but your capture/tuner card. In my case a Medion (Philips) SAA7134 card. It's on the list of supported capturecards, but it won't work! Try visiting this site: NXP is a new site of Philips semiconductors.


Portal Member
January 31, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Have you tried to get it on the list with graphedit?!

----------------( how to get it to work if the card IS suported)---
if you have downloaded graphedit open it.

then press CTRL +F.

A new window will popup! ( with title: which filters do you want to insert!

after pressing ctlr+f you have to find:
WDM Streaming TV Tuner Devices
( it should be the 3-th from the bottom)

there you will find your card
(713x BDA Analog Capture-- or something like that!!!)
that is for an analog card.
for an digital, search in the WDM section.

at the bottom at the Moniker there is a long row:
including something like:
( thats the line of my flyview but there should be something like this)

copy THAT into a txt file

in the mediaportal directory open the
CaptureCardDefinitions.xml with notepad
(make a backup first)

search your card if it is addet.

there should be something like this:

devid="ven_1131&dev_7133&subsys_35025168&a mp;rev_f0">
there you should change thenumbers to te ones from graphedit

Be careful. the file is codet in xml, so do not copy paste... and do not delete thje "&"

save the file, start mediaportal setup ant it should be there.

I hope It works.

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