Tv Tuner Cards (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 13, 2007
To the media portal staff who just decided to close the thread from Ashtefere. Ash posed a really good question and wonted awsners and best use guys just closed the thread.

How does that help all the people with tv tuner cards. and also why the hell do you have to apply all the frekken security updates and after that it sttill does not work.

It just not on guys, you dont close some thread because you dnt have a answer.

As Ash Said
"Mediaportal used to be the easisest, simplest to use htpc software of all, which is why I used to use it. Now, it is by far the most complex and overbloated of all of that. This, you cannot disagree with. Even the unsupported unfinished beta version of Meedios TV engine works better than mediaportals. (i managed to get this working with my "unsupported card" in less than 4 minutes"

Its all tru. if use guys wonted advise or an idea i would listen to ash becasue he has posted some real good questions but nobody has taken time to listen or answer his questions.



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    Hi MoToMoVeR - I notice that this is your first post, so welcome to Mediaportal ... ;)

    I don't really understand what it is that you are seeking in this thread - have you installed Mediaportal and been unable to get your TV card to work? If so, please post your system details and log files here and we will sort it out for you ... :)

    listen to ash becasue he has posted some real good questions
    I am sorry, but I don't recall any such questions - could you please remind me what the questions were that you believe deserve an answer?

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