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I'm working on a dedicated downloader/parser of an xml EPG program from a French team. (telecable.xml)

"telecable.xml" is a team which made every day an xml and put it on mirrors, ready to be use. EPG data in this file are only in French for French usage. I have take contact with the team to be able to use their job, and it is ok.

I'm working on a plugin which take care of downloading this xml by choosing a mirror, and then parse the xml, just using the programs information of channels which are configure in MediaPortal. The initial file contains near 180 channels.

I based my work on "XMLTVImport.cs".

All of this is ok.

The questions I have:

1/ where is the property for "episode" used? I have check that in the database these information are present (and it is ok), but I don't see them in the tvguide.

Same question for star-rating and classification.

May I have to ignore these properties and put information in the description? Or these properties will be used shortly?

2/ is my code “ok” for the future?



- for each channel I have –

    sql = "delete from tblPrograms where idChannel=" + channel.ID + ";\n";


    - for each program I have -

        TVProgram program = new TVProgram();

        set each program’s property with their own value


    - end for each –

- end for each -



All my code is done in a thread, with "lot" of thread.sleep.


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