TVDB Movie Provider for Moving Pictures [] (3 Viewers)


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  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Hi! has movies in their API now.
    API itself looks ok now so I decided to add TVDB to Moving Pictures. Check it if you want alternatives to current scrappers.
    Consider it pre-alpha.

    Plugin supports movie details, cover arts, backdrops, collections.
    It will try to get translated data if available on TDVB:
    • Title
    • Alternative titles
    • Overview
    • Tagline
    • Local release date
    • Local certification
    If not available it will fallback to English/US data.

    Supported MP version:
    I've tested it on MP 1.19.
    I believe it won't work in modern x64 MP since I compiled it against old dlls.

    1) Put TVDBMoviePlugin.dll in your \Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\process folder.
    2) Run Mediaportal and close it. (I hope to remove this step later after little investigation).
    3) Run Moving Pictures config, TVDB should be present in Data Sources list for movie details, cover art and backdrops.

    Known problem:
    • TVDB doesn't have any rating now except "Score" field which represents movie popularity. I've set rating to 10 for now.
    • Plugin code is mess. I don't think it's even thread safe :(

    What could be improved:
    • TVDB has translated names for actors, directors, writers I was lazy to grab it.
    • Languange settings could be configurable. Propably it should be possible to get only data in english.
    • Logging
    • MPEI Installer

    Dont forget, since TVDB is user-driven site you could add of update your film data by yourself at Welcome -



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    Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    I've updated dlls in first post.
    • Summary / Overview was always empty
    • Collections were not filtered to official ones
    • Studios were not populated
    • Fallback to english tagline didn't work
    • Score / Popularity now empty instead of dummy rating and unknown popularity numbers
    Also I've tried to compile plugin against MP 1.34 x64 and update archive with different binaries. Please check if MP1.19 or MP1.34 version is working for you.
    Honestly, I don't really want to have separate x64 version and I hope MP 1.19 version will work for you.

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