TVE3 EPG screen and Database questions (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 1, 2005

I have a couple of questions about the TVE3 and mediaportal SVN.

I had an old installation of the TV-engine and mediaportal which worked rather well for a while. I noticed I had some problems with my Fire/DTV which loses the ability to unscramble channels after a while.

I tried to install the latest versions of the Mediaportal SVN and TVE3 with it's plugin last weekend and noticed that I could not choose a program from the EPG screen anymore.
This was totally unacceptable for me so I reverted to the earliest version of them both (tried a couple of the newest and they were all the same) since I couldn't remember what version I had installed earlier.

Now I saw that the current release of TVE3 (04-10-2007 20-13h Revision 13962) has added support for the Firedtv (ci / cam support for firedtv) which might solve my problem (I'm grasping for straws here).

Is the EPG screen still "broken"?
Can I upgrade to the never TVE without getting all my channels and programs deleted nowadays?
Is the EPG screen in Mediaportal implemented in the MyTV plugin or the SVN?
I was thinking about just upgrading the TVE and installing the plugin without installing the mediaportal svn build, is that recommended?

I would also like to thank the team for the excellent work.
The TVE is a major improvement and I would love it if I only could get my Firedtv stable enough to record Stargate SG-1 for me when I am at work. :)

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