Two monitor setup possible? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 18, 2007
I am confused after reading all this pages, so i will straight ahead ask my question and hope i will get the answer.

I have installed the Media Portal on my laptop, Now what i want is that MP application should show up on my Laptop screen, and when i play the media it should be shown on my projector, thats connected to display 2 of the laptop. Is this possible ?

Display 1: Media Portal Application only
Display 2: Display the movie played only.

Something like how the Movie Theater guy does, he has the application screens and what we see is just the movie. I dont want anything of MP to be shown on Display 2 other than the movie, all the controls etc's should be shown on display 1 including the mouse pointer. Making a perfect theater environment for my home.


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    I've moved your post into a new thread, you had it on the MCE Replacement plugin thread, but this has nothing to do with MCE Replacement plugin.

    As far as I know what you're talking about is not strictly possible with the current way MediaPortal works. But maybe someone else has some ideas for you ...

    Good luck,


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Display 1: Media Portal Application only
    Display 2: Display the movie played only.
    MediaPortal is designed to be used as stand alone HTPC application with one TV/Monitor attached to the PC.

    so i am sorry, this is not supported. :)


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Viny - You need to look at commercial software like xlobby or MainLobby. Use google to search for them. Since they are both commercial (xlobby was free, but not any more) that means you will have to pay for them.


    Portal Member
    July 18, 2007
    hmm, thanks for all your informations, i liked MP very much so thought of implementing it in this way.

    I would love to use mp as media jockey, but unfortunately i cant, as i dont want the end user to see which application i am using to jock around.

    Frankly speaking, I like Media Portal skins and features over xlooby and medialooby


    Portal Member
    July 18, 2007
    Thanks, I checked xlooby an mainlooby but could not find any such information, if you had hand over this, could you point me to right place.

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