Two questions (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 22, 2007
I use Mediaportal for playing back my recordings (recorded with DVBViewer) and other videofiles. In other words i don't use Mediaportal for watching TV or recording.

1: Even though I have chosen Zoomplayer as external player, Mediaportal still uses its own default player, but only for .ts filer. All other files it uses Zoomplayer allright.
2: I cannot make Mediaportal show DVB subtitles when playing back my .ts files. When i press the L key on the keyboard nothing happens. Do I need some kind of a plugin to make subtitles work?
DVB subtitles work fine in DVBViewer, VLC and Videoredo.


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  • February 23, 2008
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    Portal Member
    January 22, 2007
    I have not installed the TV Server part as I dont use Mediaportal for watching or recording TV broadcasts.
    My recordings are in the MyVideos folder and Mediaportal forces me to use the internal player for .ts files (the only files with DVB subs) but for reason not for other formats. I just dont understand why Mediaportal uses the internal player even though I have set it to use Zoomplayer.

    Now that I have read about TV Client I understand that it can display subtitles in live TV. Does this mean that it doesn't work for playback of recordings?
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    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    AFAIK playback of TS files is hardcoded to use own TSReader splitter and internal player.
    about subtitles - make sure you have set correct subtitle engine as described here

    and i repeat the question HomeY asked already - why you use external player in MP if videos is the only functionality you use? why not play TS directly in ZoomPlayer? or if you like all sorting capabilities that are available in MP - why don't use its internal player?


    Portal Member
    January 22, 2007
    and i repeat the question HomeY asked already - why you use external player in MP if videos is the only functionality you use? why not play TS directly in ZoomPlayer? or if you like all sorting capabilities that are available in MP - why don't use its internal player?

    I like Zoomplayer, most for its very good ff/rewind capabilities and for its advanced settings. Unfortunately it does not support DVB subtitles for the time being.
    That said, I could live with Mediaportals internal player if only I could make the subtitles work, but according to this (taken from the desciption of Mediaportals subtitle engine), nothing is mentioned about DVB subs, which you surely know, are very special:
    "MediaPortal's subtitles engine supports embedded (such as in a .mkv container) and external (normally .srt files) subtitles. For a .srt file to be loaded it must have the same name as the video file with an optional language at the end of the file name."
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    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    as i said, TS files are always handled with own splitter, so MP should be always able to handle subtitles in TS.
    have you tried to press Info button while playing any TS file? there are some settings related to subtitles (as selection of subtitle language or switching to teletext page marked as having subs - all this is detected in playing stream).
    I am not sure if all this is supported if you don't install TV plugin to MP. Try to do it, set up everything as needed, but try to watch TS files over MyVideos (as i always do) and don't use "My TV recordings"


    Portal Member
    January 22, 2007
    Nothing happens if I press the info button. To install the TV Plugin do I have to reinstall MP? Or is it a separate plugin? In that case I cannot find it.


    Portal Member
    January 22, 2007
    I have now reinstalled Mediaportal including the TV Server part. No change. Still nothing happens when I press the info button.

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