UI slow down over time (1 Viewer)


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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    Hi Guys

    just seeing if anybody else is suffering from this to see if we can understand why it is happening.

    With my old x800gto graphics card, if i ran MP for more than say 2 days (htpc is up and running 24/7 and MP is always running) then the UI would crawl at 2-4fps and any scrolling would be very spasmodic, so run for a second then jerk and jerk then run and then jerk ect.. very ugly..

    i thought it was a driver issue with ati or hardware issue so after trying several ATI's (long story) i went with an Nvdia 768mb 9600gso, which make things nice and smooth... however yesterday with MP having run non stop since sunday i noticed the scrolling is just starting to jerk.. not anywhere as bad as before yet.. but im wondering if it will happen soon.. menu navigation still seems to be smooth and fast tho. MP isnt being heavily used either..

    im wondering if MP is slowly using up all the graphics card memory leading to a slowdown? is the memory purged at any point?

    be good to hear if anyone else suffers this please :)




    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    cpu is as low as it can get really..

    i dont need to have used MP at all for this to happen.. and certainly not as that other thread was with watching TV its purely GUI related, as video playback and tv viewing still work ok..




    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    thanks for that i read that post but it seemed to relate to the gui just being slow, not over time.. but now more posts have been added yeah it seems to be the same issue..

    i have found a workaround for it.. but its only a short term thing.. and its related to a link on the link :)

    if you get the slow down.. turn tv on. then off and the fps is back up.. so with mine i get 2-7fps when it slows down.. and turn tv on - off its back to 50 / 60fps.. then stays that way for a couple of days... i generally dont watch tv which is why i think we are seeing it.. not a driver issue.. just seems like a bug / leak somewhere.




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  • August 9, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    any update on that? cuz, same issue here...

    - wachting tv for 5 up to 90min
    - stoping TV manually
    - surfing throug the menu, music application etc. takes ages

    the entire system slows down dramatically. only a restart fixes the problem - for the next minutes...

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