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- #1
BBC weather images
As a subject (not a guest) of Her Majesty I am:
That said, when I came to program up the MP Weather plugin with the images from the BBC website I found that they don't have static names, they change with the time of day, this isn't very MP friendly. I mailed the BBC about this (and a couple of other things ) and got a reply saying . . . . mmmmm . . . . . we're looking at a few things.
So while they look at a few things, I scripted up the retrieval of the BBC weather images for my own personal use.
This script can take two parameters, that of the region you want the maps for, if you don't use a parameter you'll get the UK country maps (you can find the available regions in the comments of the code below), the second parameter is the path to where you want to save your images . You just need to then configure the MP weather plugin to load the images from your selected path.
I have this script running as a scheduled task every 30mins to keep the images updated.
If you want to use it:
I have pasted this code into a PHP box as the CODE box didn't like my CrLf and formatted it as one big block of text and the QUOTE box removed my Tabs.
As a subject (not a guest) of Her Majesty I am:
- Obsessed with the weather forecast
- Genetically programmed to understand the BBC weather maps
That said, when I came to program up the MP Weather plugin with the images from the BBC website I found that they don't have static names, they change with the time of day, this isn't very MP friendly. I mailed the BBC about this (and a couple of other things ) and got a reply saying . . . . mmmmm . . . . . we're looking at a few things.
So while they look at a few things, I scripted up the retrieval of the BBC weather images for my own personal use.
This script can take two parameters, that of the region you want the maps for, if you don't use a parameter you'll get the UK country maps (you can find the available regions in the comments of the code below), the second parameter is the path to where you want to save your images . You just need to then configure the MP weather plugin to load the images from your selected path.
I have this script running as a scheduled task every 30mins to keep the images updated.
If you want to use it:
- Save this code as C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs
- Schedule wscript.exe C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs <REGION> <PATH> - optional
e.g. For the North East of England images and to save to C:\Temp you schedule
wscript.exe C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs NE C:\Temp
e.g. For Northern Europe and to save to the root of C:\ you schedule
wscript.exe C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs NEUR
wscript.exe C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs NE C:\Temp
e.g. For Northern Europe and to save to the root of C:\ you schedule
wscript.exe C:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs NEUR
I have pasted this code into a PHP box as the CODE box didn't like my CrLf and formatted it as one big block of text and the QUOTE box removed my Tabs.
' VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript 4.0
' NAME: GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs
' AUTHOR: Cheezey
' DATE : 20/08/2006
' COMMENT: Grabs BBC weather images, gets the nearest image to the current
' time, saves the images in the root of C:\ if not otherwise
' specified
' USAGE: cscript //nologo GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs <REGION> <PATH>
' <REGION> is optional but can accept the following
' uk = United Kingdom (Default)
' ci = Channel Islands
' e = England East
' m = England Midlands
' ne = England North East
' nw = England North West
' ni = Northern Ireland
' ss = Scotland South
' sn = Scotland North
' s = England South
' se = England South East
' sw = England South West
' wl = Wales
' neur = Europe - North
' eeur = Europe - Mediterranean and East
' weur = Europe - West and Canary Islands
' mide = Middle East
' ausa = Australasia
' cam = America - Central
' nam = America - North
' sam = America - South
' easia = Asia - East
' sasia = Asia - South
' seasia = Asia - South East
' <PATH> is optional, it's where you want to save the files To
' including, it defaults to C:\
' 20/08/06 Created
' 28/08/06 Updated to work with world regions
' 28/08/06 Fixed bug where images before 10am (double figures) weren't
' saved - DOH!!
' 28/08/06 Added the debug & error handling
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
' Initialise debug
Dim Debug : Debug = False
' Initialise objects
Dim oXML
Set oXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Dim oArgs
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Initialise variables
Dim sRegion : sRegion = "uk"
Dim sURLp : sURLp = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/charts/"
Dim sArea : sArea = "uk"
Dim sPath : sPath = "c:\"
' Set the region & area using the parameter passed in, default to uk / uk
If oArgs.Count = 1 Or oArgs.Count = 2 Then
sRegion = LCase(oArgs(0))
Select Case sRegion
Case "uk", "ci", "e", "m", "ne", "nw", "ni", "ss", "ns", "s", "se", "sw", "wl"
sArea = "uk"
Case "neur", "eeur", "weur", "mide", "ausa", "cam", "sam", "easia", "sasia", "seasia"
sArea = "world"
Case Else
sArea = "uk"
sRegion = "uk"
End Select
End If
sURLp = sURLp & sArea & "/"
' See if the path has been passed in, otherwise default to c:\
If oArgs.Count = 2 Then
sPath = LCase(oArgs(1))
If Not Right(sPath,1) = "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
If Not oFS.FolderExists(sPath) Then sPath = "c:\"
End If
' Initialise yet more variables
Dim sURL
Dim sRain : sRain = sRegion & "_rain_"
Dim sCloud : sCloud = sRegion & "_cloud_"
Dim sTemp : sTemp = sRegion & "_temperature_"
Dim sWind : sWind = sRegion & "_wind_"
Dim sPressure : sPressure = sRegion & "_pressure_"
Dim sSummary : sSummary = sRegion & "_summary_"
Dim sVisSat : sVisSat = "uk_visiblesatellite_"
' The BBC uses yymmddhh as their format for the weather image filenames
' so get these in the correct format i.e. 2 char strings
Dim yy, mm, dd, td, yd, hh, mn
yy = Padnum(2,CInt(Right(CStr(Year(Now())),2)))
mm = Padnum(2,CInt(Month(Now())))
dd = Padnum(2,CInt(Day(Now())))
td = Padnum(2,CInt(Day(Now())+1))
yd = Padnum(2,CInt(Day(Now())-1))
hh = Padnum(2,CInt(Hour(Now())))
mn = Padnum(2,CInt(Minute(Now())))
' Try and get all the images
GetImage sRain & ".jpg", sRain
CheckForError("Error getting rain image.")
GetImage sCloud & ".jpg", sCloud
CheckForError("Error getting cloud image.")
GetImage sTemp & ".jpg", sTemp
CheckForError("Error getting temperature image.")
GetImage sWind & ".jpg", sWind
CheckForError("Error getting wind image.")
GetImage sPressure & ".jpg", sPressure
CheckForError("Error getting pressure image.")
GetImage sSummary & ".jpg", sSummary
CheckForError("Error getting summary image.")
' Only get the visible satellite image if the region is in the uk, 'Cos
' that's all they do
If sArea = "uk" Then
GetImage sVisSat & ".jpg", sVisSat
CheckForError("Error getting satellite image.")
End If
' Tidy up
Set oXML = Nothing
Set oArgs = Nothing
Set oFS = Nothing
' Subs & Functions
Sub GetImage(strFilename, strType)
Dim i, j, k, l
' If minutes are greater than 30 (i.e. nearer the next hour) then add one
' to start at the next hour
If CInt(mn) < 31 Then
i = CInt(hh)
i = CInt(hh) + 1
End If
' Nothing was found in the previous loop so check the whole day (24 - 0)
' If no image is found, the next loops will check tomorrow or yesterday
k = 25
l = 99
For j = 0 To 24
sURL = sURLp & strType & Cstr(yy) & Cstr(mm) & CStr(dd) & Padnum(2, j) & ".jpg"
oXML.open "GET", sURL, False
If oXML.status = "200" Then
' Do a bit of jiggery pokery to get the image with the time nearest to the
' current time
If Abs(i - j) < k Then
k = Abs(i - j)
l = j
End If
End If
sURL = sURLp & strType & Cstr(yy) & Cstr(mm) & Cstr(dd) & Padnum(2, l) & ".jpg"
oXML.open "GET", sURL, False
If oXML.status = "200" Then
' We've found a good image so save it
SaveBinaryData sPath & strFilename, oXML.responseBody
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function SaveBinaryData(FileName, ByteArray)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
' Create Stream object
Dim BinaryStream
Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
'Specify stream type - we want to save binary data.
BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
' Open the stream and write binary data to the object
BinaryStream.Write ByteArray
' Save binary data to disk
BinaryStream.SaveToFile FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite
End Function
Function Padnum(intLength, intNumber)
Dim iLen : iLen = Len(CStr(intNumber))
If iLen < intLength Then
Padnum = String(intLength - iLen, "0") & CStr(intNumber)
Padnum = CStr(intNumber)
End If
End Function
Sub CheckForError(strMsg)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If Debug = True Then
Dim fDebug
Set fDebug = oFS.CreateTextFile("c:\GetBBCWeatherImages.vbs.ERRORS.txt", True)
fDebug.WriteLine(Now() & " : " & strMsg)
fDebug.WriteLine("Error number : " & CStr(Err.Number))
fDebug.WriteLine("Error source : " & Err.Source)
fDebug.WriteLine("Error text : " & Err.Description)
End If
End If
End Sub