Area: Media Portal Program, MyTV
MP Version: 2.0 RC3
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Memory: 1GB
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS A7V333
Video Card: ATI All-in-Wonder X800XT
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1600x1200
Video Render Type: VMR9 or Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: DScaler Audio Decoder
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
TV Card: ATI All-in-Wonder X800XT
TV Card Driver:
I have been trying to get MediaPortal to work correctly for the past couple of days. Everything is running fine, except for two things. First, whenever I try to edit my capture card in the setup program, I get a pop-up message that says "Unable to create graph for this device". I've tried removing the card, deleting the capturecards.xml file, and readding the capture card, but it does not help.
My other issue, and I would assume that it is probably related, is that when I load MediaPortal and go to MyTV, I get a message "Failed to start timeshifting". If I click on the TV button, I keep getting the same message. If I look at the TVGuide, the TV display is black with no sound. I have ATI MMC 9.13 installed, and it works fine. Also, I saw this topic, and I followed DMAN's instructions about registering the atimcenc.dll file from C:\ATI\SUPPORT\6-3_encoder_30895, but that did not help.
My log file is here:
My error log file is here:[/url]
MP Version: 2.0 RC3
Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Memory: 1GB
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS A7V333
Video Card: ATI All-in-Wonder X800XT
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1600x1200
Video Render Type: VMR9 or Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: DScaler Audio Decoder
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
TV Card: ATI All-in-Wonder X800XT
TV Card Driver:
I have been trying to get MediaPortal to work correctly for the past couple of days. Everything is running fine, except for two things. First, whenever I try to edit my capture card in the setup program, I get a pop-up message that says "Unable to create graph for this device". I've tried removing the card, deleting the capturecards.xml file, and readding the capture card, but it does not help.
My other issue, and I would assume that it is probably related, is that when I load MediaPortal and go to MyTV, I get a message "Failed to start timeshifting". If I click on the TV button, I keep getting the same message. If I look at the TVGuide, the TV display is black with no sound. I have ATI MMC 9.13 installed, and it works fine. Also, I saw this topic, and I followed DMAN's instructions about registering the atimcenc.dll file from C:\ATI\SUPPORT\6-3_encoder_30895, but that did not help.
My log file is here:
My error log file is here:[/url]