unable to play: stream.flv... (1 Viewer)


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  • September 18, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi guys,

    This plugin is REALLY a nice feature so: :D:D:D

    I had ffdshow before for basic use but following the guide for this plugin, I installed SAF 4.0 which worked out fine until ?something? went wrong and I get an unable to play: stream.flv... error now.

    On my testsystem - W7 + RC2 - the same streams are playable and I have compared the 'Codecs and Renderer' settings in MP config, where I have set the Video Codecs and TV Codecs to be the same but no difference.

    I also reinstalled SAF and the Online Videos plugin but no luck either.

    The only thing I installed afterwards was the Multishortcut plugin but I guess that would not cause this...

    Any help is appreciated!


    MP Donator
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  • August 29, 2007
    AW: unable to play: stream.flv...

    First of all - sorry this is not a helpful answer. But - I have exactly the same problem:


    Let's combine our efforts and troubleshoot this.


    No firewall issue.
    No privilege / permission issue (tested with local admin privs)
    No codec issue - flash plays fine in graphedit

    Ok, found a solution

    - Deinstall Flash Splitter
    - Change account you use for MP to administrator
    - Reinstall Flash Splitter
    - Change account you use for MP to standard user
    - Have fun

    I think it's one of the advanced features of Win 7 (Reg Virtualization) that breaks it.

    Please try it and do not hesitate to ask if the steps are not wdescribed well enough.

    Kind Regards,


    Portal Pro
    April 15, 2010
    Same problem... I have three online channels: YouTube, iTunes Trailers and Spanish TVE. iTunes trailers works perfectly, but YouTube and TVE, "unable to play...".

    I also run Win7 Home Premium and I tested:

    - MP is allowed in my firewall.
    - Codecs, Ive got installed it, but I would appreciate the list of your installed codecs.


    MP Donator
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  • August 29, 2007
    AW: unable to play: stream.flv...

    Priceless - it's the other way round at my end :D iTunes trailers not working (there's no content for me), YouTube works fine.

    Try my solution on post above yours, maybe it's working for you too.


    Open Source Flash Splitter from this forum
    ffdshow newest version (all flash related codecs enabled)



    MP Donator
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  • September 18, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi MMF, my MP user has admin rights - have never tried with a limited account because in the beginning this was a requirement.
    Does it mean that now it runs on a limited account?

    Were you using a separate flash splitter before?
    My problem is on xp though, not w7.


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 29, 2007
    AW: unable to play: stream.flv...

    Hi Peter,

    what do you mean with "separate splitter"? It's the Open Source Flash Splitter, that you have to install. It was installed before, but obviously something went wrong the first time(s).

    And yes, MP works fine without administrative privs and even with UAC. But maybe the solution is not so different - clean deinstall and install might fix it. Also worth trying - opening a flv-file with GraphEdit, maybe one of the filters is missing...


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