Area: Media Portal TV
MP Version: CVS since about 18/11
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: P4 3ghtz
Memory: Igig
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS
Video Card: Radeon 9600
Video Card Driver: latest
Video Card Resolution: 1024x726
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: video codec you used for testing
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: type of TV card, 2 x DVICO DVB-T
TV Card Type: software / hardware / DVB
TV Card Driver: latest
Synopsis: Unable to tune channels since CVS about 18/11 works ok with CVS from 08/11 next one I used was 18/11 and haven't been able to tune in any channels since.
I'm in Sydney Australia
MP Version: CVS since about 18/11
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: P4 3ghtz
Memory: Igig
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS
Video Card: Radeon 9600
Video Card Driver: latest
Video Card Resolution: 1024x726
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: video codec you used for testing
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: type of TV card, 2 x DVICO DVB-T
TV Card Type: software / hardware / DVB
TV Card Driver: latest
Synopsis: Unable to tune channels since CVS about 18/11 works ok with CVS from 08/11 next one I used was 18/11 and haven't been able to tune in any channels since.
I'm in Sydney Australia