Upgrading my 6150 MoBo to separate MoBo & Video card (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 30, 2006
I solved my X550 problem by forcing the deinterlacing mode to 'Bob', maybe you should try this as well?

Have you tried playback of the HD recordings in other programs/other computers?


I did mamange to get interlaced content to work okay by using Bob deinterlacing - from my reading that makes sense as it is the least resource intensive form of deinterlacing.

Unfortunately this doesn't help for 576p and 720p content.

As for playback outside of Media Portal - I tried playing HD channels using the DVico application that came with my TV card and it is a bit better. It still glitches, but less frequently. I think that MP adds overhead, but the 6150 is still not keeping up even outside of MP.

I think I'm going to go shopping - I'll post back on the resuls once I've emptied my wallet.


Portal Member
January 30, 2006
Okay - first results from my upgrade:

I went and bought the Gigabyte 6600GT with SilentPipeII - I'm holding off on the motherboard until I can see the results of the new video card.

I turned off the HTPC, inserted the new card and plugged it into my 37" LCD (via RGB to start with - I'll battle with the DVI resolutions and overcanning later) and restarted. I then went into the BIOS and turned off the memory allocated to the onboard GPU, then saved and rebooted.

That was it - the new card came up, the existing nVidia drivers picked it up and its all running. I just had to change the screen resolution to match the panel (1366 x 768).

I can now watch all of my HD broadcasts, whether 576p, 720p or 1080i with no glitches, skipping, or anything. It just worked in the same motherboard with no tweaking.

Now I think that proves that the 6150 GPU is not quite grunty enough for HD DVB-T stream decoding.

I still need to upgrade my motherboard though, as my 6600GT uses two slots for the passive cooling which eats up one of my two PCI slots.

Anyone wanna buy an Asus A8N-VM CSM motherboard? I've also got the coaxial and optical SPDIF module to throw in.

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