UrlDecoding: how to use it? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 17, 2010
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Hello there!
there are settings for GenericSite util like nextPageRegExUrlDecoding, videoListUrlDecoding etc...
Their descriptions tell me it is something to use with AJAX requests. So it looks like what i need for my next trick.
I've checked some sets which utilize those settings (TVE, NOVA TV etc) but in those cases it seems nothing really needed to be "decoded", urls already there in html source.
So, can someone please explain, how it works? Can it be used for nextpage url described as javascript function call - like nextPagefunc(this, set_of_params)?


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    If a ..UrlDecoding boolean is set, an UrlDecode is applied to the string that was found via the regex. This is usefull when the url is encoded inside the html (e.g.: http%22%22.. something like this).

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