I have an interesting problem. I have a USB UIRT and a Harmony One. I have the Harmony One configured as an MCE remote and use the USB UIRT receive module in MePo. This works pretty well for the most part. My problem is that I wish to use the remote to send the HTPC into S3 standby. Unlike most people, I have no problems waking the HTPC from S3, I've loaded the relevant wake codes using lrnhelper and have tested wake-up by configuring the power button to send the HTPC to S3 standby, hitting the power button and then using the remote to wake it up again. All this works well. I can't, however, find a way of using the remote to send the HTPC into standby. There's no standby command listed in the IR config learn codes for the USB UIRT. I could use the 'Shutdown' command but this presents me with a menu, and I need to go straight to standby. I don't want to use power scheduler, I don't run the TV module and hence don't Need any of the functionality that provides such as waking for scheduled recordings etc. I've edited the learn codes XML before now to add in codes, so if there's something I can add in there that's just not in the config menus I'm happy doing that...any help would be much appreciated!