Using Media Portal as a Emulator Front End (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 28, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Hey guys, I am toying around with using MediaPortal as a frontend for emulators as none of them have an interface as nice as MediaPortal, but I am running into a few snags, so help me out if I can speed this up. I am going to presume you are familiar with a few random emulator tools, so bear with me.
First thing I did, was to run Goodname to clean up all my rom names and then I downloaded picture sets which share those file names (or are very close, sometimes the pictures don't include the country and such)
Now after I got them all cleaned up and properly organized, I went in to setup and added my emulator, I noticed that I am required to add the roms to launch (which is what I wanted) but is there anyway to add them automatically, like have it scan the whole directory and add the roms in, doing this by hand for a very large amount of games is going to take a very long time. Also can I have it automatically include the pictures, or do I have to do that by hand as well?

As a thought, this might make a great plugin as well, something that allows the user to automatically rename, sort and add pictures to their rom collection.

Anyways, let me know if I am missing something, or if I am doing it the only way it can be done.


Portal Pro
October 15, 2004
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Sweden Sweden
Ehhuhh, from the back of my head I think I setup a file extension for each emulator in MyEmulator setup, and then all rom:s were added automagically (or I had to press a button that scanned for non-listed roms).


Portal Member
December 28, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Well don't I feel stupid, I totally missed that plugin, I even checked that folder. Whoops, let's try it out and see if it does what I am looking for.

Ok a few problems with it, irst it doesn't load with the skin I use, second, it loads the pictures as games, so it's not gonna fly for what I need, though it does show potential, hopefully it can get imporved so that it allows for rom pictures and such.


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    if emulators is one of your key aspects about mp you might want to check out the build-in "my programs" part. It has originally been developed for emulators and has a lot of great features. I think there is an extensive description about the features and how to set up my programs for the different emulators.

    The my Emulator was originally introduced to be somewhat simpler in possibilities but easier to set up. I haven´t really followed the development, so probably it has become more complex, but with more features, too. So I can´t compare these.



    Portal Member
    December 28, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Tomtom, looks like we have a winner, that guide really helped. My only issue there was some of my file names weren't perfect, but that is getting fixed as well. I found an Xbox site that has the pictures named properly for the box, and then you simply run a utlity to fix the rom names (it basically crops them) I haven't had the time to check this out entirely yet, but if it works, I'll make sure to post up a link so others can benefit as well.


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