VB.net (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 23, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Ok, this is probably a stupid question but I did search and couldn't find an answer.

Is there a sample for developing a plugin in VB.net, is it even possible to do this?

I sure would appreciate to push in the right direction....



Portal Pro
May 23, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Thanks, got another question that I'm sure has already been answered. But I'm gonna ask it anyways :)

Do I have to compile Mediaportal in order to write a plugin for it or can I just use the current release and reference it that way?



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  • January 7, 2005
    reverson1 said:
    Thanks, got another question that I'm sure has already been answered. But I'm gonna ask it anyways :)

    Do I have to compile Mediaportal in order to write a plugin for it or can I just use the current release and reference it that way?

    No need to compile the MediaPortal.


    Portal Member
    May 8, 2006
    I believe you should be able to write a plugin in any dot net enabled language. I started to create a vb.net version of the C# sample, but got side tracked.


    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I started working on converting the sample as well this morning. Hopefully I'll get to finish that part up when I get home tonight.

    Considering I'm a vb6 kind of guy I'm sure I'll end up with some more questions along the way.

    Thanks for the help so far, I really do appreciate it.


    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I've tried my best at converting the sample to vb.net. I'm no longer receiving any error messages, however the plugin still doesn't show up in MediaPortal. Can someone give me a clue as what is wrong with the following code?


    Public Class Class1
        Inherits MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow
        Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm
        Public Function PluginName() As String Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.PluginName
            Return "MyFirstPlugin"
        End Function
        Public Function Description() As String Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.Description
            Return "My First plugin tutorial"
        End Function
        Public Function Author() As String Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.Author
            Return "Frodo"
        End Function
        Public Sub ShowPlugin() Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.ShowPlugin
            MsgBox("Nothing to configure, this is just an example")
        End Sub
        Public Function CanEnable() As Boolean Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.CanEnable
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function GetWindowId() As Integer Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.GetWindowId
            Return 5678
        End Function
        Public Function DefaultEnabled() As Boolean Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.DefaultEnabled
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function HasSetup() As Boolean Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.HasSetup
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function GetHome(ByRef strButtonText As String, ByRef strButtonImage As String, ByRef strButtonImageFocus As String, ByRef strPictureImage As String) As Boolean Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.GetHome
            strButtonText = String.Empty
            strButtonImage = String.Empty
            strButtonImageFocus = String.Empty
            strPictureImage = String.Empty
            Return False
        End Function
    End Class


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    Also implement MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IShowPlugin.

    You also need these methods:
        Public Overrides Function Init() As Boolean
            Return Load(MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIGraphicsContext.Skin & "\<filename of skin xml file>")
        End Function
        Public Overrides Sub OnAction(ByVal action As MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action)
            If action.wID = MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action.ActionType.ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function OnMessage(ByVal message As MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage) As Boolean
            Select Case message.Message
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT
                    'load any settings here and anything else that needs to be done when screen is shown
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT
                    'save any settings here
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_ITEM_FOCUS_CHANGED
    'this is triggered when focus has changed on screen, use message.SenderControlId to find out which control
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED
    'this is triggered when a control on screen has been clicked, use message.SenderControlId to find out which control
                Case Else
                    Return MyBase.OnMessage(message)
            End Select
        End Function




    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    That worked like a champ, thanks!

    And just to make this thread complete so maybe someone else who is looking for this can find it a little easier, here's the complete sample class for vb.net:

    Public Class MediaPortalInterface
        Inherits MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow
        Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm
        Public Function PluginName() As String _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.PluginName
            Return "myFirstPlugin"
        End Function
        Public Function Description() As String _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.Description
            Return "VB.net Sample Code"
        End Function
        Public Function Author() As String _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.Author
            Return "SampleCoder"
        End Function
        Public Sub ShowPlugin() _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.ShowPlugin
            msgbox "Nothing to configure."
        End Sub
        Public Function CanEnable() As Boolean _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.CanEnable
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function GetWindowId() As Integer _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.GetWindowId
            Return 5678
        End Function
        Public Overrides Property GetID() As Integer
                Return GetWindowId()
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            End Set
        End Property
        Public Function DefaultEnabled() As Boolean _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.DefaultEnabled
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function HasSetup() As Boolean _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.HasSetup
            Return True
        End Function
        Public Function GetHome(ByRef strButtonText As String, _
    	     ByRef strButtonImage As String, _
    	     ByRef strButtonImageFocus As String, _
    	     ByRef strPictureImage As String) As Boolean _
    	     Implements MediaPortal.GUI.Library.ISetupForm.GetHome
            strButtonText = String.Empty
            strButtonImage = String.Empty
            strButtonImageFocus = String.Empty
            strPictureImage = String.Empty
            Return False
        End Function
        Public Overrides Function Init() As Boolean
            Return Load(MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIGraphicsContext.Skin & _
        End Function
        Public Overrides Sub OnAction(ByVal action As MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action)
            If action.wID = _
                MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action.ActionType.ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU Then
                MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.ActivateWindow( _
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function OnMessage( _
    	      ByVal message As MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage) As Boolean
            Select Case message.Message
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT
                    'load any settings here and anything else 
                    'that needs to be done when screen is shown 
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT
                    'save any settings here 
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_ITEM_FOCUS_CHANGED
                    'this is triggered when focus has changed on screen, 
    		          'use message.SenderControlId to find out which control 
                Case MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED
                    'this is triggered when a control on screen has been clicked, 
    		          'use message.SenderControlId to find out which control 
                Case Else
                    Return MyBase.OnMessage(message)
            End Select
        End Function
    End Class

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