Video Listing Conventions For Scrubbers (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 16, 2007
Hello, I'm not sure if I have placed this in the right place, but if any Admin would let me know I'll change it or you could kindly do it for me.

Well, I honestly have been using XBMC as my media center, and of it works well.

Over the course of this last weekend, I searched high and low for a decent Media Center Software other than Microsofts. I tested LOTS of them. The only one, too me, that was the best was Media Portal.

In order to play High def stuff, I needed a "REAL" computer.

My question is this: In XBMC we can have file conventions named as shown:
(This is from my complete "Enterprise" collection on hard drive but others are arranged in a like manner)

s01e03 - Fight Or Flight.avi
s01e04 - Strange New World.avi
s01e05 - Unexpected.avi
s01e06 - Terra Nova.avi

These are in a directory "Enterprise Season 1"

In the "Movies" folder we can have:

Directory >> Waitress >> waitress.avi

I normally compress down to .avi using h.264 or xvid as it saves a ton of space and the results are perfectly adequate.

What I do not understand about Media Portal is how it grabs info (or if it does) automatically and applies
it to the database and then shows the thumb which it can get from or wherever.

I know I can use "folder.jpg" but that is incredibly time consuming.

Could anyone help me out here ?




Portal Pro
April 21, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
For movies you have to do a search. You can do this from configuration.exe: Movies: database (Or something close to that). It takes a while the first time, but its a one time job. The movie db in MP does not dl any info on new movies automatically, you have to add movies either from the db editor in config, or by clicking 'more' on the movie with your mce remote in MP to search for imdb info.

For TV Series you have the genius TV-Series plugin. It downloads all your series automatically, sorting by Seriesname/Season nr/Episode nr. But here I would also do a search from the config app first. You can read more about this plugin on the forum, its listed under "hot plugins".


Portal Member
December 16, 2007
works Great

I tried that plugin and it works really well. I'm quite impressed.

Good work to all involved.

Thanks for getting me the info on this. I probably should have checked out the "Plugins"
section though.:D

Now if there could be a few ports to other Skins.

Thanks again

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