(I looked in the Forum by could not find answer to question below)
Is it possible in the "Videos" menu when activating "Sorting By Name" to have Directories and files sorted according to their names, regardeless whether their are directories or files, and NOT having FIRST directories and THEN files ? This should allow to have DVDs (directories) and movies (mpg or avi files for instance) to be correctly sorted.
Lets take an example with 2 DVDs and 1 movie :
DVD1 is a directory named "20060519 DVD1".
DVD2 is a directory named "20060521 DVD2"
Movie is a file named "20060520 Movie1.mpg"
When activating "Sorting By Name" in the Videos Menu, following list is displayed :
20060519 DVD1
20060521 DVD2
20060520 Movie1.mpg
instead of :
20060519 DVD1
20060520 Movie1.mpg
20060521 DVD2
Reason is that directories (DVDs) seem to be displayed before files (movies) in the list :shock: .
Any recommendation to correct this ? Maybe some workaround could exist using the "Sort by date" feature or putting the files in directories, but this is not 100% satisfactory imho.
I am using Media Portal RC4, April 18 version - Great software, btw
Thanks !
(I looked in the Forum by could not find answer to question below)
Is it possible in the "Videos" menu when activating "Sorting By Name" to have Directories and files sorted according to their names, regardeless whether their are directories or files, and NOT having FIRST directories and THEN files ? This should allow to have DVDs (directories) and movies (mpg or avi files for instance) to be correctly sorted.
Lets take an example with 2 DVDs and 1 movie :
DVD1 is a directory named "20060519 DVD1".
DVD2 is a directory named "20060521 DVD2"
Movie is a file named "20060520 Movie1.mpg"
When activating "Sorting By Name" in the Videos Menu, following list is displayed :
20060519 DVD1
20060521 DVD2
20060520 Movie1.mpg
instead of :
20060519 DVD1
20060520 Movie1.mpg
20060521 DVD2
Reason is that directories (DVDs) seem to be displayed before files (movies) in the list :shock: .
Any recommendation to correct this ? Maybe some workaround could exist using the "Sort by date" feature or putting the files in directories, but this is not 100% satisfactory imho.
I am using Media Portal RC4, April 18 version - Great software, btw
Thanks !