Waking Pc (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 6, 2007
Home Country
France France
I know this is a problem of many, but I cannot seem to find the problem. My pc wakes up from standby every night, and I find it awake in the morning. I don't think it's MP doing it, as I have MCE on the machine, and it could be that what is waking the pc up, but I have no idea what. Is there anywhere, windows logs etc etc I could look and at least find out what is waking the pc up? Anybody had this problem and fixed it?


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  • December 15, 2006
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    It could be the MCE EPG update that's causing it. If you're not using MCE then your best bet is to disable all of the MCE services, that should then stop it waking up the pc.


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I've thought of that, but

    1) I have set the MCE guide to NOT update automatically.
    2) Doesn't MP disable the MCE services on startup?


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    maybe it is MP that is waking the PC to execute WebEPG update, check WebEPG update plugin if it is enabled and when it is scheduled to start


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Definitely not WebEPG, and definitely not the wake on Lan setting as this was off.

    Actually, I have just enabled this, as I want to experiment with wake on lan, but made sure that the pc will only wake up if it receives the "Magic Packet", and not just any lan activity. Guess what, this morning the PC was still in standby. So maybe that was it, even though the bios WOL was disabled...We'll see tomorrow morning!


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2004

    If you go to device manager and look at the properties for your network card, there's also an "Energy" or perhaps "Power Management" tab. There, you have a setting called "this device can wakeup the computer from standby". Actually there are several device classes which have this property. Sometimes disabling this option altogether for a particular device helps. In my case my htpc immediately woke up when entering standby, because on the same tab there's also a setting called "Only network management stations can wakeup the computer from standby" which is basically a filter that only Wake-on-LAN packets may wakeup the PC and that option wasn't checked ;). So, if you've got this setting disabled, then any network packet (i.e. ethernet broadcasts ;) ) can wakeup your PC. I ran into this issue when testing the Wake-on-LAN feature of my HTPC.

    Kind regards,

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