[Usability] WatchDog improvements (1 Viewer)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France

    To Do list :

    1. addon button for clean only, all logs (in Action menu) ?
    1.2 Add Clear Log to Manual control (For Multi Seat Client) : Should be added an protocol to communicate with TVserveur. maybe use an service "Watchdog" on TVserveur side.

    4. Add in zip archives all files available inside Log folder. ( except sub-directory )
    This is more usable for IPTV stream,
    6. Add progress bar for all new feature
    • write the status info on start/stop
    • I added a timer to wait to 3 sec for start/stop
    Fixed :
    1.1 Add Clear Log to Manual control ( only for MP Client) : https://github.com/Azzuro/MediaPortal-1/commit/3a39cfd54047556f1b51209fb73008a3a2faf4a3
    2. Save/remember last directory used for save ZIP file when Watchdog is restarted : 2013 10 17: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/watchdog-improvements.118979/page-3#post-1034270
    2.1 Log are saved in Folder on Desktop; instead of Desktop only can choose Custom path with restore at new start.
    3. Kill Tv-service / Start Tv-service button (in Action / Tvservice menu)
    5. setting are saved in own XML "watchdog.xml " 2013 10 17
    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    • Thread starter
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    • #3
    • add Procedure function : Stop Tv Server -> clear all log -> restart tv serveur
    • add ability in multiseat to stop/restart Tvserver | take log from TV serveur (from network)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
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    • #5
    your are not alone in the Team
    but i think we need enhance WatchDog for have better report and i hope more user friendly ...


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    • Thread starter
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    • #6
    @Sebastiii : i have add Logfiles to an folder on Deskstop !!!
    it's nothing, but at least no more files on desktop lol :p


    • Save inside an folder on desktop.patch
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