Joop said:What I would like to see is the possiblity to specify placeholders in the URLs for year,month,day,hours,minutes and seconds because lots of weather images are having dates in them like the following:
You mean modify the url with tags something like:
%MM% = Month with leading zero if needed
%DD% = Day with leading zero if needed
%YY% = Year with just the last 2 digits
%DAY=#% = Day of the week cut to # digits
%MONTH=#% = Month as text limited to # digits
%YEAR% = Year as 4 digits
So your url would be something like:
Which would be cool (and not super tough since you are just doing a search and replace) just as long as the image name doesn't change. I suppose it might have a time code as well but you could use tags for the time as well.
The numbers wouldn't present a problem but the abbreviations might. You'd probably have to be able to modify those in an XML file or database and be able to insert an ID or KEY into the string so it knows which one to use. That might be easier for multiple languages.