Web Interface...... (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 30, 2004
I do indeed understand. Do you have PHP or IIS on your computer running MediaPortal? I could whip together a web page that sends commands to the WinLIRC server, which would then be relayed to MediaPortal through the WinLIRC plugin... .

What are your thoughts on that?


Why not build a basic webserver in and let individual plugins provide html content based on the current skin to the built in browser. Then let main mediaportal control the plugins as usual.

It would mean that GUI plugin writers would need to adopt a number of interfaces and you might have to define a custom URI.

Can you imagine it you browse to your HTPC and you get the (almost) same interface as the portal on the HTPC, any actions you carry out would be reflected on the pc.

To implement (just a rough idea)

Navigate through all the controls (including plugins, I presume the GUI ones inherit from control some way downstream?)


Capture the controls image (possible guys? my directx is hazy)
Write it to a stream or output to file
Render html with control positions and custom uri links
Webserver redirects request to appropriate plugin


htpc://<ip or host>:<custom port>/<plugin filename (no path)>/<method>/<parameters>

Then use reflection to find the loaded plugin and call method with parameters. The plugin should generate a checksum so that the uri cannot be tampered with.

Not simple but would be amazing, I am getting sometime off come the end of this month and may take a crack at it.


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Nice ideas, but then if you're just displaying the MP interface in a web browser, why not just use VNC? Maybe given that the interface nature of a web browser is different to a HTPC (i.e. no need for large fonts for long-distance viewing) maybe you can fit more on to the web browser interface...

Looking at your post you seem to know a bit about web servers/C#/directx etc. but i thought i'd point out that there is a open-source web server called Cassini which supports ASP.NET as well. You can download it and its source at: http://www.asp.net/Projects/Cassini/Download/Default.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=1



I was infact thinking of cassini as I used it to create pages for my KISS DP-500 and to stream AVI's to it.

It's been so long since I used it I forgot the name.

VNC is of course the easiest way to manage it so far, I just don't find it very elegant.

Webservices sound great until you realize that each plugin would need it's own and you will still need to run a webserver on the machine and you would need a client to consume the service.

If however cassini was integrated the plugins could output their own UI (based on the UI or a custom UI)

Then all you would need to do is to browse directly to the HTPC.

Your right I do generally know my C# I should do I have programming in c# professionally for 4 years now. I have written alot of directshow stuff in c# using interop. I have also done some direct3d but only the basics.

Anyway I think mediaportal is the best media player ever period and I would love to contribute.

I also had some ideas of in regards to homecontrol plugins and security plugins.

For example (And this would tie in nicely with the webserver above) would it not be great to attach you home security cameras to secondary tv/capture card and then browse timesegments or streaming video of your secuity cams.

Lots of ideas and I will try and implement some in the near future.

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