WebEPG Problem seit gestern (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 22, 2006

ich habe ein problem mit dem web epg seit gestern und zwar findet er nichts mehr keine programm informationen

ein auszug aus dem log

2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: No Listings Found
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: tele5.de grabber error
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Writing Channel to XMLTV: Tele 5
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Getting Channel ID: kika.de
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: [12 of 32]
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: kika.de
2009-01-24 13:49:30.868459 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Reading POST:
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: No Listings Found
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: kika.de grabber error
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Writing Channel to XMLTV: KI.KA
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Getting Channel ID: vox.de
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: [13 of 32]
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: vox.de
2009-01-24 13:51:10.945028 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Reading POST:
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: No Listings Found
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: vox.de grabber error
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Writing Channel to XMLTV: VOX
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Getting Channel ID: viva.tv
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: [14 of 32]
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: viva.tv
2009-01-24 13:52:51.005607 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Reading POST:
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: No Listings Found
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: viva.tv grabber error
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Writing Channel to XMLTV: VIVA
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Getting Channel ID: swr.de
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: [15 of 32]
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: swr.de
2009-01-24 13:54:31.097435 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Reading POST:
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: No Listings Found
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: swr.de grabber error
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Writing Channel to XMLTV: SWR
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Getting Channel ID: 3sat.de
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: [16 of 32]
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: ChannelId: 3sat.de
2009-01-24 13:56:11.158014 [Info.][WebEPG-xmltv]: WebEPG: Reading POST:

das ziehts sich bei allen sendern so durch ..

hat jemand ne ahung ?




Portal Pro
October 17, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
doofe frage, aber mit welchem plugin kann ich den epg übers web ziehen?
benutze aktuell nur den normalen epg. ist der webepg genauer als der normale?

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