because no good site with all czech tv programs was grabbable with WebEPG, I added small functionality: now COOKIES can be part of HTTPRequest of grabber (Site tag) the same way as UTL and POST attribute. It can contain the same replacable tags (like [ID] etc.). Such a way many new sites can be used for WebEPG.
Cookies atribute of Site tag can contain more cookies separated by semicolon ";". Each cookie is composed by its name and its value in form "cookieName=cookieValue". Other than main domain are not supported at the moment. See the following example:
<Site url="http://tv.sms.cz/index.php?P_id_kategorie=56456&P_soubor=%2Ftelevize%2Findex.php%3Fdatum%3D[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]%26zobrazeni%3D" post="" cookies="P_cookies_siroke_zobrazeni=false;P_cookies_televize_stanice=[ID]" external="false" encoding="windows-1250" />
Cookies in Site tag are supported only for external="false".
Only small changes in code were needed, influenced source files are attached. Performed change works for MP from at least version 0.2.3 to 1.0.0 (tested), only utils.dll must be compiled separately for 0.2.x series and 1.0.x series. Influenced source files for current SVN version, compiled Utils.dll needed for new feature for MP 0.2.3 and MP 1.0.0, and two examples are attached.
Attached files also contain the bug fix https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/general-development-no-feature-request-here-48/bug-fix-non-default-encoding-webepg-sublink-49583/ not yet merged to current SVN.
For using this new feature you can just copy Utils.dll of appropriate MP version to your main MP directory. Original Utils.dll should be backuped for safety purposes. MP should not be running during this operation (otherwise file is in use and cannot be replaced / renamed).
I thing this small improvement copies very exactly the principles of MP and adds much general improvement. It does not touch any other functionality of MP. I ask developers to add this new functionality to official versions.
Have a good time with MP!
because no good site with all czech tv programs was grabbable with WebEPG, I added small functionality: now COOKIES can be part of HTTPRequest of grabber (Site tag) the same way as UTL and POST attribute. It can contain the same replacable tags (like [ID] etc.). Such a way many new sites can be used for WebEPG.
Cookies atribute of Site tag can contain more cookies separated by semicolon ";". Each cookie is composed by its name and its value in form "cookieName=cookieValue". Other than main domain are not supported at the moment. See the following example:
<Site url="http://tv.sms.cz/index.php?P_id_kategorie=56456&P_soubor=%2Ftelevize%2Findex.php%3Fdatum%3D[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]%26zobrazeni%3D" post="" cookies="P_cookies_siroke_zobrazeni=false;P_cookies_televize_stanice=[ID]" external="false" encoding="windows-1250" />
Cookies in Site tag are supported only for external="false".
Only small changes in code were needed, influenced source files are attached. Performed change works for MP from at least version 0.2.3 to 1.0.0 (tested), only utils.dll must be compiled separately for 0.2.x series and 1.0.x series. Influenced source files for current SVN version, compiled Utils.dll needed for new feature for MP 0.2.3 and MP 1.0.0, and two examples are attached.
Attached files also contain the bug fix https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/general-development-no-feature-request-here-48/bug-fix-non-default-encoding-webepg-sublink-49583/ not yet merged to current SVN.
For using this new feature you can just copy Utils.dll of appropriate MP version to your main MP directory. Original Utils.dll should be backuped for safety purposes. MP should not be running during this operation (otherwise file is in use and cannot be replaced / renamed).
I thing this small improvement copies very exactly the principles of MP and adds much general improvement. It does not touch any other functionality of MP. I ask developers to add this new functionality to official versions.
Have a good time with MP!