Evzen, I just compared "your slightly updated" tv.sms.cz grabber with my from previous post and they are identical!!! What changes did you make and why did you create new thread?!
You were right, I added wrong attachment
I apologize, attachment in that thread is now correct.
The old one does not parse 4-digit episode numbers and does not take in account the whitespace following comma in double-episodes.
For example:
Ulice (1124, 1125)
The original parser is not able to parse this correctly and the episode numbers appear as a part of the series name, which is wrong.
My - very minor, though - modification parses this correctly (as best as possible, to be exact... unfortunately WebEPG takes only the first figure as the episode number and not the entire string, which would be the correct way).
And why did I create a new thread? Because the installation packages contain only old not working parser and AFAIK posting the updated parser to the appropriate forum is the proper way to have it included in the SVN.