catch-22 said:I am new to Media Portal, but I'd like remote (web) access to the tv schedule. So I was playing around with apache/php/sqlite3 to gain access to the db.
But I'm kinda lost right now since apache won't load the pdo modules. Apache gives a warning saying:
"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\wamp\php5\ext\php_pdo.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found."
"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\wamp\php5\ext\php_pdo_sqlite.dll'- The specified procedure could not be found."
The required dll's (php_pdo.dll and php_pdo_sqlite.dll) are to be found in the correct directory (c:\wamp\php5\ext). And I have no problem loading non-pdo modules (no extensive testing though).
Apache: 2.0.44 (win32)
PHP: 5.1.0b3 (win32)
LoadModule php5_module "c:/wamp/php5/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "c:/wamp/php5"
extension_dir = c:\wamp\php5\ext
Furthermore I've tried removing all access restrictions from relevant directories and changing "\" to "/" in various paths.
Used script below to access the db:
//Check pdo drivers
// Open database
$db = sqlite_open("TVDatabaseV21.db3");
// simple select
$result = sqlite_query($db, "select strChannel from channel");
// grab each row as an array
while ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) {
print_r($row); }
// close the database
print_r(pdo_drivers()); returns "Array ( [0] => sqlite2 ) ". Using TVDatabaseV18.db from MP releae 1.2.0 works ok.
Never meant this to be such an extensive post, but anybody out there who can point me in the right direction? Doesn't have to be apache + php, other websolutions are ok with me.
We are currently developing a version which will work with sqllite v3 / mediaportal - to answer your question, contact me on MSN
sqlite_* does'nt work with version 3 of sqllite.....I'm home tonight.