Webinterface plugin (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
thechad said:
Just a quick question,

How come the default web server is Apache when IIS is available with Windows and IIS works with PHP anyway.

Not having a stab at anyone just wondering why this approach was taken?

I found that Apache consumed quite a lot of Ram on my system when believe it or not IIS seems to operate a little better. Also when queries were made on the databases in apache it makes MP live tv jump more so then when in use with IIS (not sure why this is the case).

Anyway thanks for what you guys are doing, looks great and very promising.

The short answer is that it is difficult to programatically config IIS.

The long answer: Apache can be configured via httpd.conf, while IIS doesn't have an equivalent. Without the ability to config the web server programatically, it is extremely difficult to automate the setup process.



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  • June 15, 2004
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    thechad said:
    How come the default web server is Apache when IIS is available with Windows and IIS works with PHP anyway.

    Hi thechad,

    I started to build the project on Apache because that's the server I was always using and most familiar with. Also I don't have IIS on my PC as it's only an XP home edition. Third reason was that with the XAMPP project there was a good example how to build an easy installer with all stuff included.

    As I never used IIS I can't tell much about the speed or compatibillity. But as we're running fine with Apache I think we'll stick to it...



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  • June 30, 2005
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    Yesterday I installed this plugin and I have to say that it's a great one! :) This is something that I was waiting for some time, a nice and useful webinterface. It has all the options that I could need, plus more.

    Unfortunately the EPG guide is all messed up from a certain point :( . Later I'll post the html that it generates. I'm using final (I had very bad audio sync issues with 0.2 RC1 so I had to restore a Ghost image with :( ).


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  • June 30, 2005
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    This is a part where the guide page is broken:

    <tr><td style="width:100px; border-width:0px 1px 0px 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:#AEAEAE; text-align:center; padding-bottom:3px;vertical-align:middle">
    [url="index.php?page=c_detail&amp;idchannel=8"][img]MPthumbs/la 2 de tve.jpg[/img][/url]
    <span class="small">31) La 2 de TVE</span></td>
    <td onclick="location='index.php?page=c_detail2&amp;showid=1086&amp;channel=8';" colspan="90" style="border-width:0px 1px 1px 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:#AEAEAE; font-size:9px; overflow: hidden; z-index:1000;cursor:hand; background-color:#ececec" onmouseover="this.style.background='#FFFFFF';return overlib('	<table style=&quot;z-index:1000;&quot;>	<tr style=&quot;z-index:1000;&quot;>	<td align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;width:110px;z-index:1000;&quot;>&lt;img src=&quot;MPthumbs/la 2 de tve.jpg&quot; alt=&quot;la 2 de tve&quot; height=&quot;64&quot; width=&quot;64&quot; /&gt;
    [b]31) La 2 de TVE</td>	<td style=&quot;width:380px;z-index:1000;&quot;>[b]Opera: \"Don Giovanni\"[/b]
    19:55 - 23:15
    Duration: 3 Hours 20 Minutes (200 Minutes)</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td colspan=&quot;2&quot;>
    En directo, ópera en dos actos, de Mozart, Don Giovanni, sobre libreto de Lorenzo da Ponte. Se trata de una nueva producción del Teatro Real.</td>	</tr>	</table>');" onmouseout="this.style.background='#ececec';return nd();">
    <span class="activeProgram">Opera: "Don Giovanni"</span></td>
    The part where things start to go wrong begins with "En directo, ópera[...]" (near the end).


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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    igalan said:
    This is a part where the guide page is broken:

    <tr><td style="width:100px; border-width:0px 1px 0px 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:#AEAEAE; text-align:center; padding-bottom:3px;vertical-align:middle">
    [url="index.php?page=c_detail&amp;idchannel=8"][img]MPthumbs/la 2 de tve.jpg[/img][/url]
    <span class="small">31) La 2 de TVE</span></td>
    <td onclick="location='index.php?page=c_detail2&amp;showid=1086&amp;channel=8';" colspan="90" style="border-width:0px 1px 1px 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:#AEAEAE; font-size:9px; overflow: hidden; z-index:1000;cursor:hand; background-color:#ececec" onmouseover="this.style.background='#FFFFFF';return overlib('	<table style=&quot;z-index:1000;&quot;>	<tr style=&quot;z-index:1000;&quot;>	<td align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;width:110px;z-index:1000;&quot;>&lt;img src=&quot;MPthumbs/la 2 de tve.jpg&quot; alt=&quot;la 2 de tve&quot; height=&quot;64&quot; width=&quot;64&quot; /&gt;
    [b]31) La 2 de TVE</td>	<td style=&quot;width:380px;z-index:1000;&quot;>[b]Opera: \"Don Giovanni\"[/b]
    19:55 - 23:15
    Duration: 3 Hours 20 Minutes (200 Minutes)</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td colspan=&quot;2&quot;>
    En directo, ópera en dos actos, de Mozart, Don Giovanni, sobre libreto de Lorenzo da Ponte. Se trata de una nueva producción del Teatro Real.</td>	</tr>	</table>');" onmouseout="this.style.background='#ececec';return nd();">
    <span class="activeProgram">Opera: "Don Giovanni"</span></td>
    The part where things start to go wrong begins with "En directo, ópera[...]" (near the end).

    Could you provide us with a screenshot?


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  • June 30, 2005
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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    igalan said:
    Sure, here they are:


    As you can see the guide isn't usable for me. I'm using the WebEPG (http://mypage.bluewin.ch/webepg/)instead of XMLTV, I don't know if this makes any difference.

    BTW, I could do the Spanish translation, but I have to find out how :) . I've been using this excellent plugin for a couple of days.

    Firstly...does the page work in IE or FireFox? (I saw you'r using an Avant browser)

    Secondly, No problem about the WebEPG - I think it's a great program, soo keep supporting this also 8)

    Thirdly, about the spanish translation...create an account at our Mantis page...and send me your login information, then i'll set you up. You can translate MPW from your browser :wink: - soo you are welcome to translate it!!!!


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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Denmark Denmark
    ųmund Nordal said:
    what is the adress of the wap page?
    Cant find it.

    It's at /wap on your installation....but a WAP page is only available through the internet, soo you need add a NAT entry or something like this to be able to use the interface.

    Hope this makes sense.


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  • June 30, 2005
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    LordMessi said:
    Firstly...does the page work in IE or FireFox? (I saw you'r using an Avant browser)
    AvantBrowser is only a wrapper of Internet Explorer. It's the same if I use Internet Explorer directly (let me suggest you to try it, even if you use any other browser for your daily needs, for the times when you must use IE, AvantBrowser is the way to go ;) ). I have also tried with Opera 8.5 which is my default browser, but I took the screen shots with IE just to be sure that it was not a specific IE feature not supported on Opera.

    LordMessi said:
    Secondly, No problem about the WebEPG - I think it's a great program, soo keep supporting this also 8)
    It's good to know, it works much better than XMLTV did :) .

    LordMessi said:
    Thirdly, about the spanish translation...create an account at our Mantis page...and send me your login information, then i'll set you up. You can translate MPW from your browser :wink: - soo you are welcome to translate it!!!!
    Ok, as soon as I have some time I'll do. I have also to update the Spanish translation for MP 0.2RC1 because of the new features! :)

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